Friday, September 14, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

It is hard to believe that it has been three weeks since we started homeschooling.  Time is definitely going by extremely fast and we are all enjoying it, well except for me coming down with a little cold this week.  There are two things I learned this week.

1. My kids function so much better when we keep to the schedule.
2. I function so much better when we keep to the schedule.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I love the flexibility of homeschooling.  For example, Wednesday and Thursday I felt bad and therefore somehow in my sleep cut my alarm off.  I think both days before it ever went off and we all slept in until 8:00 am.  It was nice to get the extra sleep and I really needed it, but that just threw everything off for the rest of the day.  Plus, even though I had made it out of bed, my motivation never did and therefore I was really dragging throughout the day.  I came to this conclusion...I would have probably functioned better getting up at my usual 6:30 am and taking a nap when Dallas took his afternoon nap.  But...of course that is easier said than done.

Anyways, this week was a really good, fun and exciting week for learning.  The first two weeks were a review. During that time I have figured out how the girls learn best.  Now we have started the interesting and more challenging lessons.  This week our main theme was light.  This was the first week that the girls had a memory verse. 

"Then God Said, "Let there be light, and there was light'".  Genesis 1:3

We practiced the verse all week and both girls are doing really well with it.  In fact, now  that they have it memorized they get to make their candle.  They already have the candle holder on the bulletin board and if they can say it tomorrow and Sunday without any help they will get their candle stick and flame and have it memorized.  I am so proud of both girls and working really hard to learn it. 

On Monday we had the "best home school ever", at least that's what Kristen said.  We did our lesson about light in the closet since that was the darkest place in our house in the middle of the day.  We talked about the different sources of light (candle, flashlight and lamp). We started coloring the cover and day #1 of our creation book.  Lauren is practicing recognizing the number one and writing it.  Kristen is practicing writing all of her numbers from 1-10 and memorizing them. Here are a couple of pictures of the girls practicing their numbers.  They really loved playing with the cornmeal and rice.  Who knew something could actually be better than play doh.


This dog will eat anything.  I kept hearing crunching and he was eating the uncooked rice.

We also learned about sequencing.  Lauren, although she needed the one on one help, did grasp the concept.  Kristen had more complicated sequencing to follow, but did them on her own.  We also learned about opposites and Kristen loves to play the opposite game now.  Lauren knows some opposites.  Big and small and short and tall.  We were playing the opposite door game where I put up a picture and they would have to tell me what the opposite was and look behind the door to see if they were right. 

(Excuse my wonderful drawings)

Well, Lauren was very unfocused this day, but I gave her asleep and I pretended to be asleep.  I asked her what the opposite of asleep was and she proudly said "Cock a doodle doo, it's time to wake up now." Not sure she got it, but the game was still a fun one to play. We also made a sun, since on day one God created light.  My kids get so excited if they see paint in the school bin.

Kristen cut her hands about all by herself


Lauren made the face on her sun all by herself
We also learned about Helen Keller and I took the girls outside blindfolded.  We talked about how people who can't see use Braille to read.  I took a pin and poked holes in card stock and wrote their name in Braille so they could see how it felt.  They then name their name in Braille using play doh.
 Kristen's name
Lauren's name

They also drew pictures of what they were happy that they could see that God made.  Overall, another successful week.

And, no post would be complete without pictures of the little man.  Here are some random pictures of little Dallas taken throughout the week.

His new favorite spot

Trying to figure out what to do with play doh

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