Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: Busy Week

This week started off with a trip to the doctor for Lauren.  I was fairly certain by Sunday that she had a UTI and would need to get a prescription.  Of course she wasn't able to go at the doctor's office, which I figured she wouldn't, but we tried anyways.  I was happy the doctor sent us home with a prescription for an antibiotic, but I also had to take a sample back for them to test.  Our first attempt was not successful since Lauren threw her toilet paper in the "hat".  Our second attempt really wasn't successful either, but we took it in anyway.  Note: ALWAYS close the bathroom door when you have pee sitting in a toilet "hat" because your toddler will find his way into the bathroom and play in it.  Yep, that's what happened.  I went to the kitchen, a total of 10 steps away to get a pen and when I returned Dallas was enjoying splashing around in Lauren' was pretty disgusting.  I haven't heard back from the doctor, but I am fully expecting them to say there was a high amount of animal crackers and baby drool in the specimen.  She is feeling much better now and is on the mend. 

Tuesday I started my de-cluttering/spring cleaning.  I am not sure how I get anything done when I am constantly being interrupted with crisis after crisis.  This one did involve my immediate attention and some scissors.  I am not sure how it happened, but somehow she had gotten her hair wrapped around this comb several times. amazes me how much junk we accumulate.  I just de-cluttered six months ago and still had nine bags of junk to go to the Goodwill and three bags of trash.  It took me three days, but I am so glad it is done.  Closets are clean, drawers are clean and the playroom is clean.  Now, if only I can keep it that way.

We did do school this week, but only the basics.  Lauren worked on her letter sounds and Kristen on reading/spelling and math.  I have decided to go back through all of Kristen's words and do a review, so we will be taking a couple weeks of reviewing and not moving forward.  She guesses a lot on words, which I don't understand.  She knows the letter sounds, but would rather make 20 guesses before sounding it out.  Sometimes after she sounds the word out she still makes guesses instead of putting her sounds together.  I am hoping reviewing with spelling will help.  Reading is so hard that I don't want to move forward until I feel confident that she has grasped what she already learned.  It's a lot easier to go back now than later.

In the midst of my spring cleaning I did make some homemade (from scratch) banana crumb muffins

They were so good and easy, although Kristen didn't really like them.  Here was our conversation.

Me: "Do you not like your muffin."
Kristen: "Well..."
Me: "It's okay if you don't like them."
Kristen: "I just want to make you happy."
Me: "Well, it will make me happy to make you something you want to eat."
Kristen: "I would like a pop tart instead."

She is such a sweet child with a good heart.  I found myself smiling all day because of that conversation. And she also lost another tooth on Thursday.

This makes #3 in a little over a months time.  Her new teeth are coming in (a bit crooked) and her new teeth are so much bigger that they are just pushing the others out as they come in.

And last but not least...this little guy started walking this week. 

I got a video, but it messed up, so I will try to get another one this week to post.  I can't believe that my littlest is walking!


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekly Wrap - Up: Just Four

This week it was just me and the kids.  Paul went to the windy city, or better named the rainy city, since it rained a lot in Chicago this past week.  The girls were very upset he was leaving and there were moments of unhappiness during the week, but we all survived.  Can't say the same for my cell phone, which has found it's final resting place on the side of the road.  Yep, I left it on the trunk of my car and drove all the way to Wal-Mart.  It fell off somewhere.  I did try to find it, but had no luck.  So the week began with me having to go get a new cell phone.  And to think I was trying to be proactive and run all of my errands on the weekend so we wouldn't have to go anywhere during the week.  Anyways, we made welcome home signs to put on the door and the girls were determined to stay up until Paul got home, but they didn't make it. 

Our week went on like usual.  School and cleaning.  The only thing I didn't do was cook a big meal at dinnertime.  In fact, one night we had donuts!  It was nice, but I did miss cooking.  Actually, what I missed was my meal planning and knowing exactly what we were going to eat without having to figure out what we had and what I could fix. I am happy to be back to my meal planning this week.  It makes life so much easier for me.

And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more.
2 Corinthians 3:18
I didn't take any pictures during school this week.  Well, only one which will come later.  But, this week we learned about flamingos.  I didn't know that flamingos are pink because of the shrimp and algae they eat that is high in a certain protein.  Very amazing! We talked about how when we ask Jesus into our hearts He changes us from the inside out, just like the flamingos change colors because of what they eat.  As we learn more and more about Jesus and experience His love and forgiveness we begin to change from the inside out.  We played flamingo bingo and read a book about Sylvie, the flamingo that wanted to be different but in the end realized that being yourself is the best thing to be.  It was by far one of my favorite children books.
Reading was a lot easier this week.  We implemented spelling words and on Friday I gave Kristen her first spelling test.  She was able to write all of her words by memory and I was so impressed. 
This week we will be reviewing and reading a book.  I really hope adding in the spelling will continue to make reading a little better.  Lauren is still plugging along and learning her letter sounds.  She is practicing writing her letters.  We have a long way to go, but practice makes perfect.
I will close this post with a few pictures of Dallas' first hair cut.

He was not a fan, but the sucker we gave him helped a little bit. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up: Reading Woes and Pink Elephants

The reading woes struck again this week.  They came out of nowhere and took me by surprise!

Last week was such a good productive week and I was sure we had made great steps toward conquering reading, but this week we took a few steps back. Yep, we weren't dancing around doing the reading dance, but we also didn't shed any tears either.  We were somewhere in between.  I hate that reading is such a struggle for her.  I hate that it's not fun anymore and she dreads reading time.  I never thought it would be this difficult.  I have explained it every way possible and then....I had an AHA Moment!  I thought of something quite simple and it really made me want to smack my forehead because I hadn't thought of it sooner.  It came while I was looking up curriculum for next year (more about that later) and I was specifically looking at a spelling curriculum.  While perusing the sample pages it hit me.  I need to start having Kristen spell out her words and at the end of the week I will give her a spelling test.  I know...I'm a genius!  I know reading is about memorization, but I want to teach her the foundation of reading and sounding out words.  If she can't sound out words she won't be able to read all of those hard words in the bible and doesn't everyone love to get stuck with those verses to read out loud.  She has the letter sounds down, in fact she is really good at putting some force behind the sound, it is just very disconnected.  So, we will try writing her spelling words (which will help her penmanship) and see if it helps with her reading.  Maybe next weeks post will include pictures of us doing the reading dance.  I dream big!

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Philippians 2:15b
This is where the pink elephants come in.  We learned that Jesus wants us to be an example to others. We should be known for our kindness, patience and good behavior. Paul tells us in Romans not to copy the behavior and customs of the world, but to be a new and different person in our thoughts and actions.  The girls made a list (well, they told me and I put it on the list) of things they can do to help others and stand out.  Their list included:
-if someone falls, help them up
-make sure our friend is okay (this goes along with someone falling)
-give someone candy if they are sick
-help clean up
-play with Dallas
-help others

And they made cute little elephants out of their hands.

Kristen is doing fabulous with math.  This week she started learning about a ruler and how to measure things.  Her adding is great and she is starting to add harder numbers.  Within the next couple of weeks we should be starting her second math book.

Lauren is doing good with her letters.  She has learned letters A-H and their sounds.  Next week will be a review for her and we will be reading her favorite book  Pop Pop Pop!  I have never seen her get so excited about something than she does about reading this book and she yells pop, pop, pop as loud as her little paralyzed vocal cord will let her.  It is possibly one of the cutest things I have seen.  Kristen and I laugh and it does brighten our day.

I did look up curriculum for Kristen for next year.  We are going to be busy, busy, busy.  I had a social studies curriculum picked out, but it really was very expensive, especially for being an elective.  BUT, I really wanted to use this curriculum.  I found the workbook and timeline on ebay used.  The expense came with all of the supplemental reading material that goes along with this curriculum.  Seventeen additional books being sold between 6-13 dollars was not in our budget.  In corresponding with the seller she told me to check my local library for the books.  That was what she did and our library, or should I say libraries, had them (I will be going to several different counties so it's a good thing I have multiple cards).  I will only have to purchase one book for the curriculum.  So we are saving about $70 on this curriculum. The lesson learned: When God is leading you to a certain curriculum He will work everything out.

Here are some other non-school related things that happened this week:

Kristen lost another tooth!  That makes two and she has another loose one.  I can't believe it.  The tooth fairy is going to need a loan.

Paul and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary.  I can't believe we have been married for 9 years!  It makes me feel so old.  I made him a special anniversary dinner.  I had planned to have left over soup, but figured I loved him so much I would make him a special dinner.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: Watchdogs

Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Psalm 141:3
This week our bible lesson was about being watchdogs over our mouth.  We talked about how we should watch what we say so we don't sin with our tongues.  The girls became a member of the watchdog group, which is not a real group, but a made up one for the purpose of the bible lesson.  However, they felt very important when they joined the group and got their membership cards. Anyways, the watchdog motto is: I will watch my ways and control what I say. 

And, me being the best mom in the world (not really), gave us all a lesson when I said something that hurt Lauren's feelings.  I was not trying to be mean, but I said it without thinking and Kristen's uncontrollable laughing was probably what really hurt her feelings, but in the end the lesson became real.  Whether or not we say something intending to hurt feelings, sometimes it just does, so we need to be careful of what we say.  
Kristen is a little over halfway through her first math workbook.  I actually had to get out my teacher's guide this week.  I know...can you believe it.  It just didn't seem like what they were asking should be so simple, but it was.  It was intended to be the foundation to build on future lessons.  I have been very pleased with the Horizon's math program.  Although I have not really needed to reference the teacher's guide, it does have some great teaching activities for students who are struggling.  I will probably have to reference it more when Lauren starts, but who knows.  She might just blow us all away. 
Kristen's reading is coming along nicely.  This week she actually said that she can hear the words in the sounds.  She is doing much better with sounding things out.  Her sounds were very disconnected from each other.  If she was sounding out pat she would emphasize each letter sound with such force and would break between each sound, so it really wasn't flowing for her.  This week she has done much better sounding words out.  Although tomorrow is Saturday, I am going to work on reading with her in hopes that we can finish Lesson 5 and start our week reviewing and reading one of the actual books that come with the Hooked on Phonics program.  I have also been very pleased with this program too. 
Lauren is doing good with her letter sounds.  We are working on G and her chicka chicka boom boom tree is filling up. I think we are going to start working on her numbers next week so she will be ready for the math program come September.  
This week I tried a couple of new things.  First, I made homemade donuts and they came out delicious.  The recipe was very simple, but everyone loved them...even my picky Dallas.
I also cut Lauren's hair.  I just had both of the girls hair cut at their favorite place.  The lady who cut Kristen's hair did a great job.  She even made me comb through it to make sure I liked the length.  She listened very well to what I wanted.  But, the lady who cut Lauren's hair was a twenty something know it all.  Lauren's hair just does better when it is cut shorter.  I wanted it chin length and cut in a bob.  Well, she was too busy telling me all of the reasons why I didn't want to cut it that way that she really wasn't listening.  The place was packed and by the time she finished it looked longer than I wanted.  She told me once it dried it would be shorter.  I know I am not a hair stylist, but I have had my hair cut a few times over my 30 plus years to know that it wasn't cut how I wanted it.  Anyways, Dallas was over sitting in his stroller and I was over picking up the yogurt bites that kept falling to the floor because eating was the only way to make him content during the 30 minutes, that I just paid and left.  The more I looked at her hair the more I wanted to fix it.  So, thanks to YouTube I got out my scissors and 45 minutes later (I know that's a long time) her hair was cut.

I think it was harder on Lauren than me.  I wish I had counted how many times I told her to sit still.  I am sure it was a record, but she did great and it turned out better than I thought it would.  We will be going back to get Dallas's first hair cut.  They do a picture, save some hair and write up a little paragraph naming everyone who was with them.  We got them for the girls, so we will get one for him, but after that I think I will be the hair stylist in our house.  It will save money and I am all for saving money.