Saturday, August 25, 2018

Weekly Wrap Up: Paratroopers and the Tooth Fairy

Yep! School's back in session.

Forty-five books checked out from the library, and the last thing you want to hear when standing at the checkout counter with your two full bags and three armfuls of books is, "Ms. Harris, the library manager would like to speak to you." Ummm...okay. That has never happened to me, EVER. Even when loosing a book or having an $8 library fine. We follow all the library rules, pay our fines in a pretty reasonable time and my kids are mostly quiet (when they're not arguing). Well, Dallas does like to jump off the stools, but surely we aren't getting in trouble for that. I do use the kids library cards to put school books on hold. Maybe there's a limit of books per family? Maybe they had a meeting and Ms. Harris and all her checkouts came up? Shouldn't my love for books make them happy? My mind ran through 800 scenarios, but never came up with the actual reason the library manager wanted to "speak to me". Apparently, a book I placed on hold is missing. It's their only copy, but they've ordered another one, but it won't be available for a month or two. worries there. She even looked it up on Amazon and told me if I needed it before then she found it used in good condition for $4.99 and free shipping. She wanted me to know my options. Wow! That's why we love the library. They do want us to love books and they're not having secret meetings about me. 

School went great this week. We're starting with the basics: Bible, reading, math, language arts and vocabulary. We'll add in writing, science, history/social studies and some other stuff in September. I'm hoping our school day will still be the same length. Right now we typically start around 9:30 and go until 12:30. Since each kiddo is doing their own history/social studies this year, it might take a little longer. Meaning, we might have to start earlier, much to the dismay of the girls. They have a hard time getting up at 8:00 as it is.  I just really like being done by lunch. It's so hard for my kids to refocus after lunch. It's when we have the most tears and meltdowns, myself included. 

Dallas lost his first tooth during Taco Tuesday at my sister's house.

This is our last first tooth. I really hate for him to loose his teeth. They're so little and cute and the teeth coming in are so big and awkward. It's going to change his appearance so much and remind me everyday that my little boy is growing up. We did find out at his last dentist appointment that he is genetically missing his lateral incisor's, so hopefully he won't need braces. 

He was a little sad because that was his favorite tooth. Then he put the Tooth Fairy pillow in the living room because he didn't want the Tooth Fairy coming in his room while he slept. 

In the end he was happy though. 

And the one thing I have learned during all of this is to always save my dollar bills because you never know when a tooth will fall out, or be pulled out. Thank you to Meme and Papaw for coming through at the last minute, but if it had been up to Papaw, Dallas would be a lot richer. Let me just say, the "Tooth Fairy" wasn't that generous when I was a little kid. 

Speaking of teeth, Kristen got four spacers put in this week to get her teeth prepared for her bottom braces that will go on in September. It's amazing how much straighter her top teeth look in just two months!

Dallas, Paul and myself had an exciting Thursday. We decided to sign Dallas up for Cub Scouts this year. He just wants to do fun things like the girls, but with Paul.  We are super excited for this opportunity. We got invited to an event at Blackstone Army Airfield and got to meet the Troop Leader and some of the parents on Thursday. It was a great experience.

The most exciting part was watching Paratroopers jump from a Chinook. 

The Paratroopers flew in from Fort Lee. The Chinook and crew actually flew in from a base in Pennsylvania. The first group that jumped were, I guess you could say, the professional Paratroopers. They jump from 10,000 feet up in the air. thank you. That helicopter was rrreeeaaaalllllyyyy high up, and they didn't make it all the way up to 10,000 feet. I think they jumped at like 9,000 feet. By the time it made it up there, it was a speck in the sky. I like the ground too much to do that. 

After they jumped, they then had to walk a very long way to make it to the hanger where we were at, lugging everything with them. If they would've let me drive the hummer, I would've went and picked them all up. 

We were able to see the second group preparing for their jump and talk to them before they went up. The General from Fort Lee made an appearance too. 

The second group that was jumping were students. They were completing their course and to graduate they had to pack their own parachute and jump using that parachute. While the Chinook looked big, it didn't look big enough to hold all of them who were left to jump. But, once we were able to go inside I realized it's huge!

Their parachutes were different from the first group that jumped. There was a reason for this, I just can't remember what it was. Since they weren't professionals yet, they only jumped from 1,500 feet. Still way too high for me. I've been on the drop zone at Kings Dominion once, so I imagine jumping from an airplane to be like a really high drop zone, without the teenager running the ride. Who would want to do that?

The problem was it was really windy, so only about half, maybe a little more, were able to jump. They had to fill the Chinook up two times with gas while we were there. That's how much flying around they were doing. It gets about 3 hours flight time on a full tank of gas. 

Dallas was also able to sit in a Hummer. The doors on these vehicles are so heavy! It's amazing what these vehicles can do.

He got to take a look at a Military Ambulance.

Two helicopters were coming in to fuel, so they let us inside the helicopters. 

Dallas and Paul also got to go up in the air traffic control tower.

They fed us hot dogs, potato salad and fruit. The Boy Scouts provided the water, grills and cobblers. It was a pretty awesome day!

The girls had their kickoff for Girl Scouts. We normally never make it to this event because it always falls on the weekend we have Lauren's birthday party, but we were able to make it to this one. 

The girls look forward to getting their Girl Scout yearbooks every year, so that was the main excitement of this event for them. 

It really is a great idea. We've been really blessed with a great leader. When I grow up I want to be just like her! She leads all of the groups with only a co-leader for after school Daisies. And she has it together. 

The kickoff was a spaghetti dinner and ice cream social that the Cadettes led. It was part of their Silver award. They painted a labyrinth at New Life United Methodist Church.

I had no idea what a labyrinth was, but apparently they are found in cathedrals all over Europe. Basically it's a maze used for meditation or prayer. You have to be quiet while walking the labyrinth and this particular labyrinth takes about ten minutes from start to finish. Each group of girls got to walk it.

After everyone went through, I then walked the labyrinth and it was really calming to walk and pray for ten minutes with no interruptions. I think I'm going to need one in my backyard. 

The girls also got to play some games, including Kristen's favorite game...Gaga ball. I found out that she's really good at it too. She won most rounds and was always the last two people left. I think she only lost one round. These girls love Gaga ball. It does look fun.

It was a great kickoff with great friends. We're excited to start another year in Girl Scouts. This makes Kristen's 7th year and Lauren's 6th year. Kristen will be a Cadette and Lauren will be a Junior. 

Some other happenings this week:

Lauren's final birthday gift came.

She needed headphones. She loves listening to music on her Kindle and I was tired of hearing, "Turn it down Lauren". So now she doesn't have to. Hopefully she won't break these. 

We also made edible slime, per Kristen's request.

It was basically just edible and not very slime like. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

First Day of School

Today was our first day back to school after nine weeks off. NINE WHOLE WEEKS OFF!!! I think we all needed a break and the kids certainly deserved a break after the great school year we had. It was, seriously, our best school year yet. 

I originally thought we would start back with reading and math after the Fourth of July, but then I had this brilliant idea and decided to plan our whole year out over the summer. Yes, plan our whole year! And when I say "plan the whole school year", I really mean it. Everything is planned, printed off, prepped, in binders, in spreadsheets, book lists for each month made, special things planned out, make up days on the name's done. Why, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all this free time I'm going to have on my hands this year.  

Dallas was so excited to start school back up, he wanted to start Sunday night. Kristen did say this morning that she was getting a little bored with summer and was "kind of excited" to start school. Lauren woke up and said, "I wish I didn't have to do school for the rest of my life", then proceeded to dramically moan. 

Grade: 6
Favorite Subject: Writing
What I want to be when I grow up: A photographer, Author, Lego designer, and Artist
Favorite Food: Chicken (fixed any way, but mostly fried and grilled), her daddy's hamburgers, and any fruit (especially watermelon)
Favorite drink: Fruit Punch and flavored tea
Best Friend: Hosanna
Favorite thing to do: Play Minecraft, Knit, Draw, Read, Swim and Play Barbies

I sure do miss my toddler girl who used to sit around reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See", but I sure do love the fact that she can load and unload the dishwasher, change sheets on the beds, fix breakfast and lunch, help with school work, open boxes and put together toys, text people and control the radio while I'm driving...pretty much anything I need her to do, she can. It really is wonderful. People told me this day would come. I didn't believe them, but it did. And it really was in the blink of an eye, just like they said. 

She loves to write, but hates to write poetry. Can you guess what she had to do today? Two lines...just TWO. You would've thought I asked her to clean the toilet with a toothbrush. She did ask, "Can I write down a poem I have heard before?"'s plagiarism.

Grade: 4
Favorite Subject: "Not doing school", but if I had to pick one for her it would be....hmmm....let me see....
What I want to be when I grow up: A Librarian
Favorite Food: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Mac-n-cheese and cereal
Favorite Drink: water
Best Friend: Clara
Favorite thing to do: Swim, play Just Dance, paint, play Barbies, jump on the trampoline, and listen to music

It's so hard for me to believe we've made it to fourth grade. School has not been easy. The struggle is very real for her. I was a little afraid of how our school year would start since we took so much time off, but she picked right up with little instruction. I am hoping she will enjoy school a little more this year. Reading is still a struggle, even though we have come a long way. I'm so proud of her and all she accomplished this past year. I have high hopes for this year too. I finally think we've made it over the hump. Although, I'm pretty sure I've said that before.

This boy is excited to start a new school year. Can you tell?

Grade: 1
Favorite Subject: Reading (as many books as he can)
What I want to be when I grow up: "I don't know. I just want to be a normal kid and go to school." 
Favorite Food: Country Fried Steak, Chicken Salad (with chicken in a biscuit crackers), and ice cream
Favorite Drink: Root Beer, but pretty much any drink he drinks he declares is his favorite. I guess that's what happens when you're "forced to drink water."
Best Friend: Lawrence
Favorite thing to do: Terrorize Kristen, fight with Kristen, Annoy Kristen, go in Kristen's bed because she gets mad, take Kristen's seat when she gets up. But, when he's not being a little bother, he likes jumping on the trampoline, swimming, playing with his swords or cars or little army men. 

This boy amazes me. God knew I needed an easy child. He knew I couldn't take another struggling reader, so he gave me a little boy with a passion for learning. He wants to be smart. He wants to know everything. I wish we could all have his enthusiasm when it comes to school. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Double Digits

Happy 10th Birthday Lauren!

Wow! Ten years old! I'm not sure how that happened so quickly. I hope the next ten go by a little slower.

We had her birthday party on Saturday and since she turned ten she got to invite a few of her close friends to celebrate with her. It was very loud at times, but seeing Lauren's smile made it all worth it. 

Her actual birthday was on Sunday. We started the morning off with breakfast at IHOP.

She got to open some small presents since she got her big present at the party. Although we are still waiting for one to arrive.

This girl loves Just Dance. She was so excited to get the Disney version.

She also likes everything poo emoji. I'm not sure why though.

We went to see Hotel Transylvania 3.

And we ended the night with singing "Happy Birthday" and eating cupcakes.

Some of us really enjoyed the cupcakes. 

Happy Birthday Lauren Boo! I am so blessed to get to watch you grow. You keep me laughing, you make me so proud and you remind me everyday that miracles still happen. I love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and ever!