Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

This week was another successful week in homeschooling!  We overcame our first bad day obstacle on Thursday.  To say Kristen woke up on the wrong side of the bed would be an understatement.  Now, my girls really are good kids.  If anyone keeps the time out chair warm it is Lauren not Kristen.  Kristen is a pleaser and will usually listen if you just talk to her or tell her not to do something.  I don't say this to brag only to put into perspective what a bad day we were having.  By two in the afternoon I lost count how many times she had been in time out and came to the conclusion that the next time she would be going to bed for a nap.  Ironically our lesson talked about sharing, but she just wasn't in the sharing mood.  She didn't want to do school, everything was boring and it was the worst day of her life (which she kept repeating).  When I sent her to time out she would cry and say I didn't want to be her friend and I didn't love her anymore.  Not sure where all this was coming from, but I really thought...Wow!  She is good!!  I wasn't falling for it though.  But, we eventually worked through everything.  I was very happy for bedtime!

Next weeks lesson starts getting a little harder for Kristen.  These past two weeks have been basically a review.  I am going to start pushing her a little more, which is what I think she needs.  At least now I know where she is at on certain subjects.  Lauren continues to amaze me.  She is learning, which I really can't believe.  At the beginning she was having trouble sitting still and then in the middle of a lesson she would start talking to herself.  Now she is listening better and retaining the information I am talking about. I think she will really benefit with the one on one because I think that is exactly what she needs to learn. 

This week we talked about the concept of big and small and short and tall.  For Kristen we talked about Tall, Taller and Tallest and short, shorter and shortest, etc.  We made some sugar cookies and they got to cut all different size shapes out of the dough.  I ended up having to use the cookie cutter because some shapes were just too small that they would burn.  They had a lot of fun playing with the left over dough and in true Lauren fashion she rubbed it all over her face and up her arms.

Kristen is my neat perfectionist! 

They also made a family picture showing who was Tall and who was short.  Kristen had a mini meltdown because her hair didn't look right on her picture.  She wanted a ponytail, but that just wasn't happening.  Lauren actually drew her people all by herself.  She was so proud of her picture.

Kristen's picture
Lauren's picture

We also made our family out of craft pom pom's this week.  Lauren kept asking if we were making snow men and insisting that the pom pom family did not look like her family.  I have to agree.

Kristen learned about sequencing this week and reviewed all shapes.  This was Lauren's last week of the triangle.  We started learning about color's on Thursday.  To Lauren everything is either pink or blue.  Whether she really knows her colors is a mystery, but by the end of the day on Thursday she knew the color black.  Our biblical lesson was God being our friend and helping us.  I cut out the girls hands and wrote I Help on them.  They had to be helpful around the house and only got a sticker when they did something helpful without being asked.  When they got 10 stickers they would get to go to the park.  It was a great motivator for Kristen and she had most of her stickers by the end of the day.  Lauren didn't really care if she got a sticker or not, but by Friday morning she did get all of her 10 stickers so we went to the park.  The girls made a little friend named Sophia (who Kristen kept calling her Abby) and played with her the whole time.

   Oh and Kristen cut her hands out all by herself!
And, before I end, here is a picture of the girls with their new haircuts.  Kristen said she wanted long golden hair, so we just got hers trimmed.  I told her she could grow it long, but I was pretty sure it wouldn't turn golden.  As we were walking to the car after their hair cuts Kristen asked me if her hair looked longer.  How cute is she!
I didn't like how they cut Lauren's hair, so I had to re cut it the next day.  They had it shorter in the back and longer on the sides. It looked good, but once we got home it was flipped out every which way on the sides and just looked crazy.  I was very impressed with my hair cutting skills.

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