Monday, August 9, 2010

Ear Infection #2

Last night was horrible! Poor Lauren didn't sleep good at all. She slept for 5 minute intervals up until 3:30 this morning. She then dozed off for longer periods, but it was still very restless. Once I was finally certain she was down for at least an hour I went upstairs to bed only to be awaken by Kristen. She wanted to watch T.V. and was very stuffy and coughing. At this point I could barely breath and had an annoying tickling in the back of my throat, so I just figured I would give up on getting any sleep for the night. I did doze on an off on the couch while Kristen watched T.V. I figured at some point during the night that Lauren must have an ear infection. I thought back to the one other time she had one and the symptoms were similar and that was the only reason I could think of that she wasn't sleeping well. So, I made an appointment with the doctor. We saw a doctor in the practice who actually had preemie twins who were in Johnston-Willis. How neat. She talked to me about feeding issues, because she had been through the same thing, although her girls never had to have the g-tube placed. She also said that preemies, especially those who are on the ventilator longer, typically have problems with ear infections because any cold they get is harder for them to clear out the mucus. Therefore it just sits there causing more problems. She was a really nice helpful doctor. Lauren started her round of antibiotics. She said what she feels works best is Tylenol during the day and Motrin at night. Lauren was very fussy this evening. I think most of it was because she was in pain, but also very exhausted. I am hoping to get in bed early tonight, as the girls are sleeping now. I figured I better get some rest while I can, because I have no idea what tonight holds. Also, Paul is getting sick. By the end of the day he felt pretty bad and told his work he wouldn't be in tomorrow. I am feeling better, just very tired so prayers are definitely working.

P.S. I edited this before posting. The grammatical errors were hilarious (sleep deprivation). I almost posted it like that, but then thought you probably wouldn't understand a thing I was saying.

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