Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mothers Day 2011 was GREAT! I actually got my presents last night because the kids and Paul couldn't wait to give them to me. I thought that was sweet. I got some Ghirardelli chocolate squares with caramel, which is so yummy. I had been wanting a wall clock, and Paul and Kristen picked out the perfect one. But the best gift of all was my charm bracelet. Every charm was specially picked out for me and it meant so much to know that Paul and Kristen picked them out. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I am so lucky to have my girls and to be their mother. I love them so much and thank God everyday for making me their mom. I am so blessed. Here are some pictures from Mother's Day.

Here is a picture of me and girls this morning before church

Here is the craft Kristen made me in Cubbies at church

Here is craft Kristen made me in Sunday School

Here is the flower I got from Lauren. She decorated the pot.

Here is a picture of the clock I got for Mother's Day

Here is a picture of my charm bracelet. It was the BEST most PERFECT gift.

I spent most of the day working on printing out worksheets and craft supplies for Kristen and Lauren's lesson times for next week and the week after next, but it is something that I enjoy doing. We are going to this week implement a responsibility chart. Every day both girls have 4 responsibilities to do. As long as they get all 4 Hello Kitty's on the chart, they get to do something they don't get to do everyday like play a game from the top of the closet, play with playdoh, play with tub paint, etc. If they don't get all 4 Hello Kitty's on the board they will get things taken away. I don't for see that happening, but I want them to start getting used to doing things to help out. Kristen is very excited about it. Here is a picture of chart.
I have a lot of fun crafts and snacks planned for this week, so more posts to come!

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