Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Not much to really update. It seems as if we are in a waiting period on everything. We did go see a Pediatric Surgeon to get Lauren's button removed. Her GI doctor had told us she already had the smallest MIC-Key button in, but as it turns out there is a size smaller (which I had thought). Anyways, Apria was supposed to ship out the button and a week passed with me receiving nothing. Turns out, the person working on Lauren's order quit so it was just sitting on her desk. They got everything straight and when we received the button it was the wrong size. They had sent us a size bigger! After getting that straight, we did receive the correct button and I plan on putting it in after bath tomorrow night. They did say it would leak for about a week, so that should be fun. If it leaks longer than a week we have to call because that means that her stomach isn't closing up. As long and it stops leaking within a week, we will then go and see the doctor again in a month. Lauren is very attached to her button and now when you ask her about getting it out she says, "No, it my button." It is really sad when things like that become normal to such a small child.

We are also still waiting to hear something back from the bank on the offer we put in on the house. The realtor on that house said he hopes to hear something this week, but we have been told that before. We are still looking at other houses, but haven't found any that we like. I am very ready to get somewhere and get settled. The other night I was a little depressed. I do want to be in a house (preferably the house we put the offer in on) by Christmas. I realized November is almost here and the chances of that happening are not looking good. But, I continue to pray and I am sure God is getting really tired of hearing the same prayer.

On a more positive note, I had an appointment yesterday and things are still going good with this pregnancy. This little guy is so active! Much more active than Kristen or Lauren. In fact, the ultrasound technician said that it was a good thing that they didn't have to get measurements this week because he is not sitting still. I hope this isn't a preview of toddler years! This has been a really stressful time in my pregnancy because this is the time when everything went downhill in my pregnancy with Lauren. I have been really nervous and expecting the worse even though I am diligently praying for the best. The NICU and a 1 pound 4 ounce baby are still very fresh in my mind and I don't want another one of my children to have to fight everyday to live. In the hospital every night when I would pray I would thank God for another day of being pregnant. When Lauren was born, every night I would thank God for another day of life for her. Now, with this pregnancy I find myself every night thanking God for another day of being pregnant (even though the heartburn is starting to get really annoying). I don't take life and pregnancy for granted that is for sure!

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