Friday, August 5, 2011

Random Things

It has been so long since I have posted that this post will be nothing but randomness (if that is even a word). I guess I will start with the BEST news. Paul got a new job. We are so happy and God really worked everything out. Things are a lot more stable than what they were at his old job. I know a lot of stress has been lifted off of him since the switch.

Also, I don't have a picture but will post one, but there is a new member of the Harris family. Oswald the Beta. Paul thought it would be a good idea to get the girls a fish. I made it clear that I would not be cleaning out any tanks. I have enough things to clean around here that I don't need something else added to my list. The girls were very excited when we first got him. Now they don't pay him any attention and rarely even notice he is there. His name, which I am assuming it is a he(I don't know how to really tell or that I even care to tell), started out as Little Shella. This didn't surprise me. If you ask Kristen what her baby dolls name is, or anything for that matter, she always says Little Shella or Ollie. She then changed it to Oswald and it just stuck. I think she was thinking of Oswald the Octopus. Anyways, now Oswald is one more thing that I have to remember to feed.

The girls are getting over being sick. I noticed last week that Kristen's eye was pink and had some eye guke in it. I was not familiar with pink eye, but when Paul came home he said he was pretty sure it was pink eye. I took her to the doctor the next day. God really worked everything out for us and I realized that he really does care about the little things in Michelle Harris' life. First, Kristen made it very clear that she only wanted to see Dr. L. I wasn't sure that I would be able to make an appointment that day with her. The receptionist got all of the information then said I have a 3:45 appointment with Dr. L. I was extremely happy. Also, I hoped that Paul would be home in time to watch Lauren, but he didn't make it, which turned out good. When Dr. L was checking Kristen she noticed that her adenoids were swollen. She asked if she had been running a fever. I told her no. I had checked it a couple times when Kristen had complained about her head and throat hurting, but she never had a high temperature and didn't when they checked it in the office. I also told her that both girls hadn't been eating all that well. She decided to do a strep test. I was NOT looking forward to this. The last time Kristen had a strep test she threw up all over herself, her shoes and my arms. The nurse came in and started getting everything ready. Kristen asked her what she was going to do with that. The nurse said she was just going to tickle her tongue. Kristen stuck out her tongue and said ah, then she started crying and gaging, but she didn't throw up. Another answer to pray. The nurse came back in with another strep test for Lauren because Kristen's had come back positive. We sat Lauren on the table and I thought she was not going to cooperate because she just saw Kristen do the same thing. The nurse told her to stick out her tongue and say ah and Lauren obediently followed her directions. She never cried or gagged, just let the nurse do what she needed to do, then got down and started running around. A another answer to prayer. Lauren's came back faintly positive, but they sent both to the lab. See, God was in control because Kristen's actually came back negative at the lab. If it had came back negative in the office they would have never check Lauren. Lauren's came back positive at the lab. It also worked out because they both were started on antibiotics and Kristen had a couple of spots on her knees I was watching. Her eczema was coming back and was very red on her knees. I told Dr. L about it when she called and she said to just keep her on the antibiotic to get it cleared up. It all worked out. God knows what He is doing folks!

Last but not least. Our church had VBS a few weeks ago. The theme was The Big Apple. I only have one video from the last night that Paul took. We are not videographers in this family and in fact often forget we are video taping (hence the floor and feet shots), but we do our best. Lauren didn't really enjoy VBS. It cut into her bedtime and she was struggling during the week. She took a couple days off because of a stomach bug issue. Kristen took one day off because she was just very crabby and needed a timeout from VBS. I didn't work with either of their groups. My girls are very attached to their Momma (big smile) although I know everyone who has to deal with them crying are not smiling. It makes me feel like I am doing something right. Anyways, I think once Kristen got there and got going she really enjoyed it. Her favorite part was the music. Her dance moves are quite impressive (wink).

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