Friday, March 8, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: A Blizzard

Yes, you read that right.  A blizzard!  I'm not talking about the Dairy Queen type either.  I know that for most people our snowstorm would not necessarily be classified as a "blizzard", but anything above 2 inches constitutes a blizzard in my book. I think we got around 7 inches of snow, which was about 7 inches too much for me.  It really caught us off guard.  First, we weren't supposed to get anything until Wednesday evening and we woke up to 2 inches of snow.  Second, I never thought we would loose power, although snow + heavy wind + falling trees = no power.  (Note to self...always have cell phone charged.) Finally, never let your hubby leave for work in the middle of a blizzard because it will take him 4 hours to go 13 miles.  Anyways, we all survived (thanks to a generator). I will end by saying...I HATE SNOW!

My kids, however, love the snow.

 Watching the snow
Making a tiny snowman all by themselves!
Dallas watching through the door.

  Making snow angels.
So, when there is a blizzard and you have no power...what do you do?  School!  Yes, we did our lesson even though we didn't have any power. 
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
Our bible lesson this week focused on how we are God's handiwork.  Just like he created the bee to do a certain job, God created us for a certain purpose too.  We learned about bee's and watched The Bee Movie (which was a very cute movie by the way). It amazes me that God created the littlest insects to do such big things.  A bee's work is amazing!  I think I am learning more than the kids. 
We also continued with reading.  Kristen is doing so good and has completed unit one.  She read another book and she was so excited.  Next week we will start unit two and I think she is actually getting excited about reading.  She is still doing very good with math.  It is definitely her strongest subject.  I am excited about starting some new things next year.  I think Kristen will really enjoy it.  Lauren is still plugging away at her sounds.  We focused on learning the sound for letter E and as much as I would like to say she has learned it....well, she has not.  So, this week we will focus on the letter E....AGAIN. 
I will leave you with a picture of Kristen and all of her reading buddies. I think she could use a few more.

1 comment:

  1. I hate snow too! My kids also love it. Daily Reese throws an epic turd fit when she has to come inside. And I have to wrestle her while letting all the warm air out of the house. Remind me again why I moved to NY? Stay warm!
