Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Festival

So, we weren't able to go camping with the Girl Scouts this weekend due to hurricane Sandy.  Kristen was very disappointed and I was very happy.  I know...that's bad.  I have never been camping and really have no desire to go, especially if a hurricane is coming or if it is raining.  I am very happy and content sleeping at home in my bed.  I can enjoy God's creation from my front porch, look at the stars, roast marshmallows and hot dogs in my backyard and then go inside and sleep in my nice comfortable bed.  Why do you need to go camping?

Anyways, since we didn't go camping we went to my sister's church.  They had a fall festival of sorts complete with a chili cook off, face painting, a bouncy castle, playground, cotton candy, corn hole and trunk-or-treating.  We all had a great time and I think it made up for us not getting to go camping.  We ended the night watching Kristen's favorite movie Matilda.

Here are some pictures.

Kristen's butterfly she had painted on her face

Lauren's cotton candy mouth

 Dallas enjoying being pushed in the stroller

Kristen making her trunk-or-treat bag

Lauren making her trunk-or-treat bag


Dallas enjoying a dum dum

Dallas and Aunt Kelly

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