Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back On Track

So, this month has been a VERY hectic month. I don't even know where to begin. We started off visiting my grandmother, which I posted about that. Then it probably seemed like I fell off the face of the earth...but good news...I didn't. Our month has been filled with busy-ness (don't know if that is a word, if not, then it should be). When we first put our house up for sale we decided to put some things in storage. It worked out good, except that was an added cost every month and it doesn't look like our house is going to sell anytime soon, so 9 months later we are moving it back into our house. I thought it was only some things until we started moving them out. I then realized it was a lot of things. Prior to that I spent a whole week de-cluttering my entire house. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate. Paul and I started off our marriage with a bed, chest of drawers, table, couch and chair. I remember thinking...I am never going to fill up this house. HA!! For us the bulk was clothes for the kids. Not only did I de-clutter, I also moved the kids into the same room and made Lauren's old room into a play room. I should have done that a long time ago too. I know this is only temporary and one day they will want and need their own room, but for the time being it works and Kristen loves having Lauren sleep in the room with her.

After moving everything out we decided to redo our downstairs bathroom. It hadn't been updated since the house was built in 1988, so it desperately needed it. I had gone with the rubber duck theme so the walls were blue. I can say this...I will NEVER paint another room blue as long as I live. I felt like I was drowning every time I went into that bathroom. I was so glad to get rid of the blue. I think we could of painted it black and I still would have loved it. Our bathroom looks totally different. I absolutely love it (will post pictures of it soon). So, until we sell our house we have a new bathroom to enjoy. We also put up one of those curved shower curtain rods....absolutely LOVE IT! Now that I can step back and take a breath without having 1 million things on my list to do I can start focusing on updating this blog. I have posted a few pictures of the kids, but of course with our busy-ness I haven't taken many pictures. That will change.

Nothing like homemade rice crispy treats. Lauren didn't like them on her hands at all.

Kristen couldn't be left out and had to put some on her face too.

These are the cards and candy Aunt Kelly brought by for the girls after our emergency room visit. She is the BEST aunt ever! Kristen has been sleeping with her card under her pillow. She thought of that all on her own and checks everyday to make sure it is still there.

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