Friday, August 19, 2016

Lauren's 8

Yesterday this little girl was so upset because she was turning eight. Apparently being seven was so awesome she didn't want turn eight, but then she realized that she gets presents and cake, and all was right in the world again. 

She started off the day by waking up to Kristen singing happy birthday to her. It was the first year that I didn't have to remind her that it was Lauren's birthday. Talk about melting my heart.

Where did she want to spend her birthday? Monkey Joe's of course. And she got to spend it with the little brother she wished she had. 

It's always sad to say goodbye.

And she ended her day with CiCi's pizza, a cupcake and a present. 

I wish everyone had the opportunity to get to know Lauren, like really know her. She is the most selfless person I have ever met. Her giving, loving, caring self makes me strive to be a better person every day. From finding three quarters in her piggy bank and giving two of them to Dallas and Kristen so they can get bubble gum from Walmart too. To giving Dallas her only cookie because we don't have any left, although he already ate one! When it's time to choose anything, she always asks which one Kristen and Dallas want first and happily takes what is left. When she gets a stuffed animal and Kristen says, "I wish I had that one", she hands if over claiming that she doesn't really want it any more. That's the awesomeness of Lauren that I get to witness everyday.

She's growing into a wonderful young lady and has changed so much over the last year. It makes me sad when she says she needs new shoes because her Frozen tennis shoes are for little girls. When I asked her if she wanted a Peppa Pig birthday cake and she told me she wanted a hot pink zebra print cake instead...well, it made me want to cry. When she told me she wants to be called LaLa and dye her hair pink, I had to realize she is figuring out who she is, and if she wants to be LaLa with pink hair I'll love her just the same. 

She's awesome, but I already said that. She's always smiling. She loves playing outside, drawing, and coloring. She hates when people cry and will usually start crying too. She's content to play by herself. She still hates bugs, but will pick up frogs and ants. She likes playing Barbies, hide-n-go-seek, and house. She hates people dressed up in a costumes, school and carbonated drinks. She's clumsy and falls or hurts herself at least once a day. She loves to swing, go on "adventures" and she asks the question,  "What are we doing today" at least 50 times a day. 

Happy Birthday Lauren! We love you to the BIG moon and back times a million.

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