Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All About This Little Man

The title of this post sums up the way life is in the Harris house.  It is definitely all about this little man.

He has all the girls in this family wrapped around his little finger.  It is because he is just so darn cute!  I can't believe he is already 6 months old.  He has been in our lives for half a year!  My goodness time goes by fast when your taking care of kids. 

Dallas is a good baby, if you overlook the fussiness, which sometimes is very hard to do (just ask Daddy).  He likes to be entertained and nothing short of a circus or marching band is going to amuse him.  So, unless you are holding him, talking to him, tickling him, performing magical shows (as Kristen likes to do)...he is probably fussing.  To me the fussiness has just become background noise.  I try to look on the bright side, if he wasn't fussing I would probably think something was wrong.  Now, don't get me wrong, he doesn't fuss all the time.  He is quiet during feedings, naps and most nights while he is sleeping.  Morning time is generally his least fussy time, which is when I try to get most of my things done.  I feel like I have ran a marathon by lunchtime because after his afternoon nap it is downhill from there.  I used to say, "Once he can bounce himself in his bouncy seat, he won't be so fussy." Or "When he can sit in the exercauser, he won't be so fussy", but he does both things and is still fussy.  Now I have come to the conclusion he has been "teething" since birth and won't stop being fussy until he can sit independently and play with toys (which he can almost do).  It is better to think this way than to think I actually created this fussy little cute monster!  The good news is, when I pick him up he usually stops immediately.  The bad news...I just can't hold him all day long.  I actually have "that baby", you know the one.  Yep, that's him.  Motherhood is a learning process and I am still trying to figure out how to un-spoil a child.  I tell you, it is a whole lot easier to spoil them!

(Even his fussy face is a cute one)

Kristen and Lauren still adore him though.  Kristen is a big helper and can usually entertain him when needed.  Both are very good at sticking his pacifier in.  Although Lauren did say the other day, when she stuck the pacifier in and he spit it out several times, that "it's not working."  I just had to chuckle because that is EXACTLY how I feel sometimes.  Lauren, bless her heart, goes to get him a toy to try to make him stop.  Unfortunately, they are usually in the form of choking hazards, which I hope isn't on purpose!  So tomorrow I have the lovely task of cleaning out all of the little toys in the playroom.  Lucky me.

At his 6 month appointment he weighed 15 pounds 14 ounces.  He has slowed down in his weight gain and is now in the 25th percentile.  That is exactly where Kristen is, so at least we are consistent.  We started him on stage two baby food, which I like a lot better.  It isn't as runny and messy as stage one, but I still HATE the baby food stage though. He likes fruits, but doesn't like veggies so much.  I usually end up mixing them together at some point during his feeding.  He still loves his bottle though!  That's his "Fav" as Lauren says.  He can now hold his bottle, which works out really great for homeschooling.  He can also put his pacifier back in, which works out really great when he is taking a nap or going to sleep.  As long as he can see it, he will grab it and stick it back in his mouth.  I am trying to enjoy him to the fullest since there will be no more little Harris' running around after him. I am glad I have been able to watch him grow and him grow into a quiet young man.


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