Friday, December 4, 2009

Quick Update

I thought I would give a quick update while I was home for a few minutes. Lauren is back in the hospital. She got her Mic-Key button for feedings placed on Wednesday. She was a bit uncomfortable afterwards. Wednesday afternoon she seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable, but I wasn't sure if this was normal or not. They had told me to give her Tylenol every 4 hours, which I had been doing. Wednesday night she was up for most of the night. Around 5 am I decided to try and feed her since she was awake and crying again. She felt hot when I got her up, so I fed her and waited a little bit to take her temperature. It was 100.3. She went back to sleep around 7:30 am and surprisingly slept for and hour and a half straight. At 9 am I took her temperature again and it was the same. I called the doctors office and they said to bring her in around 12:30. Dr. Kessle said it was red and swollen around her button and she thought the balloon holding the button in place might have came outside of her stomach and sent us to go for an x-ray. During the x-ray they injected dye through the button and it looked to be placed perfectly. Dr. Kessle said that she needed to be admitted to the hospital and started on antibotics. Yesterday she just felt horrible. You couldn't even touch the button or around it without her being in pain. This morning the redness had gone down and it is looking rather well. You can actually touch the button and she doesn't seem to be in any pain. They sent a culture off and we should get the preliminary report today as to what infection it might be. She did have two periods last night where she got sick, but they aren't too concerned about that. She didn't eat too well this morning. She seems tired, but over all pain free. We are hoping to be released today, but the nurse said that Dr. Kessle might want to do feedings through the button for a night before letting her go. Yesterday she stopped all tube feedings and we were only able to feed her by mouth. She is expected to come and make rounds around 2 pm so we should know something by then. I am thinking we will be spending atleast another night. I will keep everyone posted.

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