Sunday, August 10, 2014

Remember when...

Kristen said, "Mom, remember when you used to take pictures of us and put them on your blog and you would let us see them? I wish you would do that again." 

Umm...yeah....well....I guess I haven't been doing a good job of that lately.  I do take's just finding the time to put them on the blog and compose something clever to say.  Usually by the end of the day I am down to one word sentences that usually begin and end with no and stop. And between taking care of kids, cleaning, laundry, dinners, lunches, snacks, breakfasts...the list goes on and on and on and on and on. But if I am going to record our memories to reminisce later, I better do a better job, because they are fading fast.  I have a hard time remembering what we did yesterday, much less the little things that make me smile and that I want to capture for years to come. 

So I will begin with our summer, which has been hectic and fun.  The kids and I have remained busy with lots of fun things to do, all of which I didn't bring my camera. While it has been an exciting summer, I am looking forward to slowing down and getting our school routine back.  I have lots of fun things I am planning for this year and I have to say I am excited! But, here are some pictures from our summer (so far).

Eating ice cream! 

Icing cupcakes that they helped make.

End of the year Girl Scout ceremony. Kristen will be a Brownie next year.

Dallas loves shoes...any size, any color.

It makes my heart happy when I see them sleeping like they love each other.  Actually, what happened was, Kristen couldn't get into her bed because of the stuffed animal disaster, so instead of cleaning her bed up...she just sleeps with Lauren. And obviously steals Lauren's covers and pillow and sleeps on her hand.

Our 3rd annual firework extravaganza. 

This is only 1/3 of her stuffed animals.  Actually, it might even be less than that.

This kid really should be the spokesman for pop tart. Pop tarts are one of his major food groups. 

I LOVE monopoly....and really LOVE playing junior monopoly with the girls. Paul's too scared to play with us....afraid he might get beat!

So, when my dad's first sentence is, "I had nothing to do with it"....expect something bad...or loud...very very loud. 

Dallas has a girlfriend...and her name is Dora...hola!

Lauren loves to dress herself and her little brother up.

These two are best buddies...if you couldn't already tell.

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