Monday, August 11, 2014

Look Mom!

This phrase has the potential to be really good...or really bad. I have found when it is said with much enthusiasm it means...I have just done something you will be so proud of. And usually it's about 70/20/10. Seventy percent of the time it is something I am extremely happy about (I just drew the BEST picture ever, or I just made a bracelet and attached it to a headband or I just cleaned my room without being asked...wait...I got a little carried away. The last only happens in my dreams). Twenty percent of the time something "good" is actually something very bad. This usually happens with look mom I just climbed onto my changing table or look mom I just emptied the salt shaker all over your kitchen table. This list could go on, but I will stop. And then ten percent of the time I don't know whether the "look mom" is good or bad. Like, look mom I just took my sheets off the bed for you (on a day I wasn't going to change sheets)...or look mom I collected 529 rocks and leaves from outside and want to keep them all.

So, when Kristen comes out of her bedroom and announces (with much enthusiasm), "Look what Lauren did!" I thought for sure she had written her name all by herself. I didn't imagine this.  

I had that look on my know...the confused I am trying to figure out when and how this happened look. Because I know she didn't have painted fingers when she woke up. I would have remembered her nails and fingers looking like they had been dipped in ketchup and mustard, which made more since at this point than fingernail polish. Kristen must have decided I needed some clarification and announced, "She painted her nails". To which Lauren added, very proudly, "All by myself!" My reply, "Did you paint anything else?" 

Yep, you guessed it. In the process of painting her nails she also painted the floor, which I am happy is NOT carpet. I guess they are now hoarding illegal contraband and their room and it will need to be searched at bedtime.

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