Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good Report

Lauren went to the eye doctor today and we got a good report. He said that since she had stage 2 ROP he usually sees nearsightedness and weak eyes at this point and because of her brain hemorrhage he will usually see other complications. He then looked at me and said "All I am going to say is AMEN"! He was also her eye doctor in the NICU and was very pleased to see how great she was doing and the lack of signs of anything being wrong because of the brain hemorrhaging. He also said her eyes look great. He didn't see any signs of nearsightedness or weak eyes. Now, she could need glasses later on down the road, but right now she is doing good. We follow up with him in 2 years.

God has truely blessed us with such a wonderful little miracle. We thank Him everyday for all the miracles he has performed in Lauren's life and He isn't finished yet. His infinite power is beyond human understanding, but with God, nothing is impossible!

But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."

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