Sunday, February 28, 2010

Check Up Time

So Kristen and Lauren had their check-ups on Tuesday. Kristen did very good but she did keep asking if she was getting a shot. When Dr. Little came in she looked at her and said "I'm not getting a shot, only sissy is getting a shot." She wanted to establish that right from the start. The only thing she was a little scared of was when they took her blood pressure. She is still in the 25th percentile in height...imagine that. She has gone up from the 25th to the 30th percentile in weight. She was 29 pounds! Her head is big though...she was in the 95th percentile in head circumference. Lauren, however, was the same weight as when we went in to get her Synagis shot a few weeks back. I was not happy to see that she hadn't gained any weight. She has been a lot more active during the day and is now on the move. She isn't crawling or walking, but she is rolling to get to where she wants to go and to get Kristen's toys. I don't know if this has something to do with her lack of weight gain. She seems very uninterested in her Formula, which the GI doctor insists we continue to give her and barely drinks any during the day. Juice gives her really bad heart burn because it is so acidic so that basically leaves regular whole milk or water which neither have as much calories as her formula. She also eats like a bird during the day too. The GI doctor wants me to feed her via the pump what she doesn't eat during the day but I feel as if she will become uninterested in eating completely. When I do feed her during the day on the pump she doesn't eat at all because it has to run for 30 minutes to an hour depending on how much she is getting. I really feel like she doesn't get hungry and I feel if we start feeding her non-stop from the pump she will never feel like eating. She is continuously fed at night for 10 hours. If I had food constantly pumping into my stomach for 10 hours of the day I don't know how much I would want to eat for the other 14. Other than the feeding issues, Dr. Little was very happy with her progress. They don't have a preemie growth chart so she really couldn't tell me if she was still following the 3% mark or not. We do go see her GI doctor on Tuesday, so I am anxious to discuss my concerns with her. She will get her MIC-Key button replaced at this appointment and maybe we can discuss some other options for her for eating during the day. I have to go start her feeding now, but will update after her appointment on Tuesday.

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