Thursday, February 4, 2010


Just wanted to post an update. Lauren went to go see the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor on Monday. The good thing is she doesn't have any scar tissue on her vocal chords. The bad news is that one of her vocal chords is paralyzed. While there is nothing they can do to fix it, they can do surgery and move the paralyzed vocal chord over so her other vocal chord can bounce off of it hopefully improving her quality of speech. In order to have the surgery she will need to grow and her airway will need to get bigger. The doctor said we are looking at several years before this can be done and even then they can't guarantee a normal sounding voice. This is something that Paul and I will discuss later on to see if it is something we feel will benefit Lauren or not. She will have a very soft and raspy/hoarse voice. This was Kristen first time out for a long period of time being potty trained and she did awesome!

Lauren went today and got her RSV shot and she weighs 15 lbs 5 ozs. Next week we go for her follow up eye appointment and she also has OT and speech therapy. Yesterday she was on her hands and knees in the crawling position and moved out of that into a sitting position. I was so proud of her. Hopefully she will do it for her therapist next week.

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