My little Lauren, or maybe I should say my big girl Lauren, has conquered potty training like a CHAMP! I really am amazed at how she just got the hang of it. On Sunday and Monday we had one accident, but have been accident free since then. Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment and I knew I would be getting an ultrasound and then hooked to the monitor for 20 minutes checking the movement of the baby, heartbeat and any contractions. I hadn't gone to the store to pick up any pull-ups, which I know are basically just diapers, only more expensive. I found with Kristen that putting her in diapers only when we went out and for bed was kind of confusing to her, but pull-ups were different so she was inclined to keep them dry. So, I decided to put Lauren in diapers because I wouldn't be able to take her to the bathroom if she needed to go. I told her to keep her diaper dry and to tell me if she had to go potty. When we got home it was still dry. We had a 40 minute drive to and from the doctor, had to stop for gas and at the grocery store, so I was very impressed! Also, this morning her pull-up was dry when she woke up and she has gone to the bathroom all by herself all day long. So, my hope to have her potty trained by the time the baby gets here doesn't seem unattainable. Praise God!
As the title says....this is a totally random blog post.
I read somewhere that parents have the most impact on their child's lives during the first 5 years of their life. We have already started molding them and directing them down the path they will take in life. The foundations we establish during the first 5 years will be the ones that stick. When reading that I thought of the saying "Everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten." Which is true. After reading that article I realized that I can do much better with my two girls. They should be learning from me. Not just the three R's, but the most important foundation and that is about God. I, as a parent, can't just rely on Sunday School, Awana's or church to do that. God called ME to do it and Paul to do it. What I want my girls to remember about their Mommy is that I always put God first, had a servants heart and loved like He did. I have been singing in my head today the song by Brandon Heath, "Give me Your Eyes".
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
(On a side not, imagine the difference Christians could make in the world if we all saw the world like God did.)
So, I decided to order a book from Lifeway that had lessons for preschool aged kids. I also have a book I ordered from Awana on character building and started these lessons with them this week along with teaching them some other things. Kristen is writing and Lauren we are working on colors and shapes. Every color to Lauren is blue. Kristen LOVES learning and Lauren does too, she just gets bored and has to move on from an activity faster. We all have enjoyed doing the lessons and spending quality time together.
Now in pregnancy news...My c-section is scheduled for February 17th, the day after Kristen's birthday. I am not sure if I will make it to the 17th. I am already having contractions and just feeling crampy. I think I have gotten as big as I am going to get, I am not resting well at all, I am ready to be heartburn free and to be able to bend over and tie my shoes. Actually, I will just be happy to see my feet again and that is NOT an exaggeration. I move slow, waddle and have so many aches and pains it isn't even funny. We won't go into how many times a day I go to the bathroom. So, I am ready for our new little bundle of joy to arrive. His room is complete, clothes washed. I just have to pick up a couple more little things and we will be all set. I will definitely enjoy him more on the outside than the inside.
Last, but not least, here are some pictures of our new house. This isn't every room, just a couple that I snapped while cleaning. We are so happy here!
The living room before...
Here is the living room after...
Here is the hall bathroom before...
Here is the hall bathroom after...
The girls room before...
The girls room after...
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