Dallas has fit into our lives just perfectly. The girls have fallen in love with their little brother. Kristen is such a big helper and tells me all the time how much she loves him. Just the other day she sat and held Dallas(with the help of the boppy and while she was sitting beside me) for a good 20 minutes and held his little hand. If he starts crying and is sitting in his bouncy seat, she will get his pacifier and put it in his mouth. She finds blankets to cover him up with. The second night Dallas was home he got very upset while I was changing his diaper at four in the morning. I heard the door to the girls room open and Kristen came out. She said, with sleepy eyes, "I heard the little boy crying and I was coming to make sure he was okay." She is such a sweet little girl and that just melted my heart.
It took Lauren a little longer to warm up to him, but she has definitely joined the 'We love Dallas club' along with the rest of the family. She loves to bring toys and his blanket to him. She has held him a couple of times, but likes him better when he is in his bouncy seat. She likes to rub his head and both girls always ask if they can pet him. I keep reminding them that he is not a dog.
He had his first appointment Tuesday with the pediatrician. He has lost 8 ounces since birth, but overall checked out good. We go back next Tuesday and they want him to be back up to his birth weight. He eats good and burps good, so hopefully he will gain it all back.
Kristen had her 5 year check up at this appointment and did great. She has had a growth spurt and has increased in her percentile in weight and height. They tested her eyes and ears and she passed. She followed directions very well and I was so impressed at how well she did and even the very good manners she used when the nurse would ask her a question. However, when it came time to get two shots she screamed and cried and I am sure people outside of the doctors office could hear her.
Kristen loves to dress herself and I love to see what she comes up with. Today this is what she wore. Of course we didn't have anywhere to go.
It is hard to imagine what life was like without this little guy in it.
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