Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Not much has been happening around here. This week started off hectic and so far has been a pretty lousy week, so I decided since we didn't get to our "school" work so far, we are just going to take the week off. At least that pressure is off of me for the week and we can just enjoy things. Tonight I decided to pop some popcorn for the girls using that popcorn popper. That is about as exciting as it gets around here. I have had it for a long time, since before Kristen was born, and I just haven't gotten it down to use it. It sits on the top of our hutch and you would think that it would have occurred to me before now to get it down, but it hasn't. It has just become a normal thing to be sitting up there along side our big stock pot. Anyways, the girls had a blast watching it. Lauren kept saying popcorn and it was just so cute. Here are some pictures of the pop corn from start to finish. EXCITING!

You probably noticed that the Harris girls (including myself) got a haircut. I went yesterday and got mine cut off. I had been talking since February about getting my hair cut short and finally went for it. I like it and Paul says he does. He is probably just trying to keep the peace. After my appointment I took the girls to Divas n Dudes hair salon for kids. They love it there. Kristen picked the barbie car and watched Max and Ruby and Lauren picked the Dora car and watched Dora. Here are before and after shots of their hair.

Here are two random pictures of the girls that I snapped this past week. This is about as exciting as it gets in the Harris house.

Kristen wearing Lauren's bloomers from her dress on her head. She is a mess.

Lauren after she woke up one morning. She is just so cute.

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