*When I was taking the pictures Kristen said, "There looking good mom." We haven't even tried anything since going to the doctor. She is very optimistic.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Today was Kristen's dermatologist appointment. I was so happy to finally go and speak to an expert. The doctor said Kristen's eczema was just caused by sensitive skin. It was not food allergy related or she would have it from the tops of her head to the bottoms of her feet. Kristen's is just on her legs and feet. Sometimes in the bends of her arms, but that is rare. She said it wasn't allergies, although that doesn't mean she doesn't have allergies, but it isn't causing her eczema. With the type of eczema she has it is usually caused by a combination of things - heat, laundry detergent, home air fresheners, fabric sheets, soaps. Those sorts of things. She gave Kristen an oral antibiotic to take for 10 days because she said that Kristen has a bacterial infection, most likely caused by scratching. She scratches CONSTANTLY!! She also prescribed a potent topical steroid ointment to apply to her skin in the bad areas. After bath I have to wet some cotton pants and put a combination of Vaseline and Eucerine cream on her legs then put the damp pants and socks on. Now this should be fun. Kristen hates for her clothes to be wet. I am so not looking forward to this and I have to do this every night for 6 nights. During the day I need to put Cetaphil or Aveeno lotion on. She said within a week her legs should clear up. We will then switch to putting lotion or cream on 3 times a day and put on the Vaseline/Eucerine combination after bath and only using the steroid ointment when there are flareups. She said to keep her in pants until her legs are clear. Any friction from the carpet, sliding off of the couch or chairs can cause irritation to her skin, which makes sense. In the winter her legs look fine, probably because she has pants on creating a barrier from the friction. The doctor said even on days where her skin looks good, since we know heat is a major irritation factor, if the temperature is above 85 or 90, do not take her out. We have pretty much been staying inside during this hot weather. I went today and got some lotions/creams and her prescription. We won't mention how much all of that cost. I tell you, eczema is really something that should only affect rich people because it is too expensive for us poor folk. I took some pictures of her legs so in a week I will be able to see if they have improved. Here are a couple so you can sympathize with Kristen...oh and me too!
*When I was taking the pictures Kristen said, "There looking good mom." We haven't even tried anything since going to the doctor. She is very optimistic.

*When I was taking the pictures Kristen said, "There looking good mom." We haven't even tried anything since going to the doctor. She is very optimistic.
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