After Christmas at my Aunt's we then had to come home and get prepared for Santa. There was so much to do. First we opened up our presents under the tree. By the time we made it home, Kristen was a pro at opening presents. She had hers opened, looked at and put to the side before Lauren even had hers halfway unwrapped. Kristen got a wooden jewelry box with a Sleeping Beauty necklace, Princess Aqua doodle, Sleeping Beauty light, clothes and headbands (which was the big hit...I think she got about 10). Lauren got some pink sparely shoes, clothes, books, a play jewelry box, bath toys and a Max and Ruby DVD. Kristen had gone shopping with my mom to get presents for Paul and I. She was so excited to give us our presents. I got a bible bag (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE) and Paul got a shirt that says I am a criminal (isn't that hilarious...we both got a good laugh out of that). We also got a pretty candle and two snow baby ornaments. Once says I love mom and the other says I love dad. I got from my hubby a laptop. He is the best! You could of knocked me over with a feather. I had no idea. It said Toshiba on the box and that was pretty much all. He asked if I knew what it was. I had heard the name Toshiba before and for some reason I was thinking boots or shoes. I was really a little afraid to open it thinking it was going to be something camouflage. Thank God it wasn't. I would have been really disappointed if I had got camo boots for Christmas. Kristen was equally excited for me to open it, but she was also ready to get on with the evening events. We then put out cookies and milk for Santa (which Lauren stole one), put out some reindeer food and dust in our front yard for the reindeer, put the key on the door so Santa could get in and then read the Christmas Story and put them to bed. Kristen decided at bedtime that she really didn't want any presents because Santa would actually have to come into the house. We had to reassure her several times that Santa would only be going into the living room and kitchen and would not go into her room. I am sure when she sees the toys in the living room in the morning she will change her mind.
Do I look suprised!
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