Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Came Early

For me, Michelle, Christmas came early this year. My mom and dad bought me a new table and chairs for Christmas. I have the best parents in the world! I absolutely LOVE my new table and chairs. The dark wood matches my cabinets and hutch perfectly! Kristen loves the bench and has designated a new spot there, so I will be able to put in the attic one of the booster seats. It is so is a picture. A great big THANK YOU to my mom and dad. I love you BIG!!!

I couldn't post something without some pictures of the girls. Here are a couple I snapped by the Christmas tree.

Here is a picture of the girls before church today. Kristen's dress came from a thrift store and I only paid $3 for it. I am so proud of that find!

Here is a picture of the girls that I snapped during the week. Kristen was so happy to wear her pink sparkly shoes and her princess outfit Grandaddy and Nanny bought her for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Your table is so cute in your kitchen! And your girls are lovely, as always. Paula
