Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Nine...9...NINE!!! It seems like yesterday we were bringing a 7 pound 15 ounce baby girl home from the hospital. 

Now she's a 70 pound big girl with such a gentle joyful heart. I am extremely blessed to be her mother, but also blessed to get to spend my days with this awesome child. 

We celebrated her birthday with a small party this past weekend. I made her an Ever After High Raven cake. That's her favorite. Madeline Hatter is mine. 

She got lots of great presents. Here is a picture of her with her new bike and shooting her pink BB gun. 

We started the day with a birthday waffle and sang happy birthday to our sweet girl. 

She wanted to go to Monkey Joe's, so they spent the morning jumping, climbing and sliding down inflatables and playing games.

Meme and Papaw treated us to lunch at Friendly's and they ended the day getting to spend the afternoon and evening playing with their favorite cousins. It's been a very wonderful birthday. 

Kristen loves drawing, painting and just being creative. She is always doing little crafts with Dallas. She loves to pretend that she is the teacher with Dallas and Lauren as her students. She loves riding her bike and being outside. She loves playing Barbies and watching Jessie and K C Undercover. She is still obsessed with stuffed animals. Her favorite subject in school is reading and science. Her favorite foods are chicken (on the grill), tacos, yogurt, fruit and popcorn. She is such a helper and is always doing little things to try to make my day go smoother. 

She doesn't like going to bed, peanut butter and potatoes (whose child is she?), wearing jeans or tie up tennis shoes, waking up (yeah..I know), and having to share her bedroom. 

Daughters hold our hands for a little while, but hold our hearts forever.

Happy Birthday Kristen. We love you so very much. 

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