Friday, September 5, 2014

A Nice Little Break

"I'm glad we get a break. I really needed one." This coming from the second grader who only went to school for five days. Really?

We went out with a bang and ended our first week of school at a Flying Squirrels game. The last time I went to a game they were the Richmond Braves and Chipper Jones and Javier Lopez played for them. That was only about twenty some years ago. Hmm...I feel old. Anyways, it was the kids first game and we were able to meet up with some friends we hadn't seen in forever. 

I think the girls had fun, but only because there were friends there to talk to and eat cotton candy with. Dallas was tired, so he sat on Paul's lap mostly in a daze...pretty much like in this picture. The kids did get to run the bases at the end. I think that was the highlight...well, that and the cotton candy and the free happy meal card. Fun times. 

Paul and I both talked about how much we all enjoyed our weekend. It was a nice little break and we just enjoyed our time together. We took advantage of the river and went there for a few hours on Monday.

We also went to a Labor Day cookout and enjoyed time spent with family. Dallas and Kristen did some fishing and all the kids enjoyed the paddle boat. Of course they weren't the ones paddling. 

Dallas also did a little levitating, as seen in this picture. He is quite talented.

We intended to start back to school on Tuesday like everyone else, but we were invited to a "We're not going back to school" party, so we ended up taking Tuesday off too. They enjoyed a day of playing, eating cupcakes and watermelon and just enjoying being kids.

Needless to say, when our school week started, my kids were exhausted and I was happy to have a laid back Wednesday.

While we had a short school week, we had a couple pretty long days. Wednesday everyone's focus was off and we didn't finish school until 4:00. We went on a nature scavenger hunt, which made Wednesday a little longer than usual. 

Kristen is terrified of seeing a snake and Lauren is terrified of any bug or flying bug, so they walked around paranoid. Kristen was actually telling Dallas not to go that way because there were snakes, of course he wasn't scared. 

While our school week was short, we still got a lot done.

The girls had to draw a picture of their favorite animal, for bible and writing, and Kristen had to write a sentence about her picture. Lauren still has a hard time writing and especially drawing. She likes to scribble and not really take her time. This day she had to actually draw something that resembled a bunny...with NO scribbling. I was very very proud of the picture she drew. Other than a flower and a smiley face, this is the only other picture she has really tried her hardest to draw.

And like I was a very exhausting week!

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