Friday, December 23, 2011

The House & Pregnancy

So, the house is coming along nicely. Paul has done A LOT of work on it and I know he is exhausted! He goes there straight from work and works until 8 or 9 at night. The painting is almost completed. We painted the whole house. Walls, doors, trim and ceilings. He has pulled up all of the carpet and the laminate in the foyer and play room. He has also pulled up the slate that was in the living room that a wood stove sat on. The locks have been replaced and our refrigerator, washer and dryer have been delivered. All I have done is clean one bath tub, the stove and microwave and lined some of the cabinets. My work will come when we start unpacking and putting things away. Once the house is completed I will post some before and after pictures. Here are some of the girls entertaining themselves while we were working.

Kristen was very happy to get to "help" paint the wall.

Lauren was just happy to be doing something her big sister got to do.

Kristen made some pajamas out of a plastic bag she found. It was very creative and I was impressed. By the way, she posed like this all on her own without any coaching.

Of course you have to have snacks at the new house!

Today I am 31 weeks pregnant and have actually breathed a little sigh of relief. I think I might actually make it! I did find out I have gestational diabetes...SHOCKER. I had it with both Kristen and Lauren. I go next week to the Diabetic Clinic and will be put on pills, which is better than insulin shots. They will also start fetal monitoring when I go in for my appointment on January 5th. I will be seeing the Perinatologist every week and my doctor every two weeks. Not sure just yet how often I will have to go to the Diabetic Clinic. It will kind of be like when Lauren was released from the NICU. I felt like I was going to see a doctor every day. Glad it's me and not her though.

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