The girls were good this year, so Santa came to visit. Kristen got the easy bake oven she has been wanting. Lauren got her little people zoo she has been wanting. We took out a few things for them to play with, but had to put the majority of it up since we are still at Paul's mom's house. It will be like Christmas all over again for the girls when we move in to our new house.
I didn't take as many pictures this year, but here are some from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.
Here are some from Christmas Eve
Here are some pictures of Kristen getting things ready for Santa. Lauren had fallen asleep on the way home and did not want to wake up for the Pre-Santa festivities.
Putting out Reindeer food for the Reindeer.
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Kristen wanted her picture taken with Eric, our Elf on a Shelf. She cried Christmas morning when he wasn't there. In fact, Oswald our Beta, died on Christmas Day and I thought Kristen would be very upset. Well, she was more upset that Eric wasn't there than Oswald, who has been part of our family for several months.
Here are some pictures from Christmas morning.
Here are the handprint snowman ornaments the girls made. I thought they turned out good.
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!