We are praying that everything goes good with this pregnancy. I have been blessed with two of the BEST doctors that are literally trying to do anything and everything possible to get me to term. A couple of weeks ago I had a cervical cerclage placed and starting next week I will be on progesterone shots. I am having ultrasounds every two weeks to look for cervical thinning, so that if it happens I can go on bed rest immediately and try to avoid a pre-term birth. So far everything has been looking good and we found out last week that we are having a BOY! Now I was shocked to hear that. I am just waiting for them to tell us they were wrong and it is actually a girl. Kristen and Lauren are very excited. They went to the ultrasound last week and were very excited to see the baby on the screen. When we told Kristen it was a boy she cried. I mean head in the pillow...you have just ruined my life cry. Once we told her all of the fun things little boys liked to do, she thought it might be kinda nice to have a little brother. Now she is excited. My due date is February 24th and I am just praying we make it as close to this date as we can. So, please keep me and this new baby in your prayers. Pray that God will work in a mighty way (as we have proof with Lauren that He is still in the miracle working business) and this pregnancy will be problem free.
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