This week when we were learning that A is for alligators I had a really neat snack planned. The night before I made rice crispy treats with frosted flakes instead of rice krispies and put green food coloring in it. If I could imagine what alligator skin looked like that would have been it. I just knew this was going to be a big hit. When I announced after lesson at snack time that we were going to be having alligator skin as a snack this was how the conversation went.
Me: "Guess what we are having for a snack today?"
Kristen: "I don't know."
Me: "Alligator skin!"
Kristen: "That's gross."
Lauren: "Yay!" (while clapping)
Me: "It's not really alligator skin. It is cereal and marshmallows that mommy made green."
(Once I cut the snack and gave it to them)
Kristen: "It's green." (with an I can't believe this look on her face)
Me: "I know, alligators are green so their skin is going to be green."
Kristen: "I don't like green. I only like strawberry."
Me: "Well, sorry, alligators aren't strawberry."
(Lauren is REALLY enjoying her alligator skin)
Kristen: "I'm not eating it."
Me: "Okay, but this is the only snack you will be getting. You will have to wait until lunch to eat."
Kristen: "I'll try it." (Takes the smallest bite known to man)
Kristen: "I don't like it."
Me: "That's fine. You don't have to eat it."
Kristen: "What else can I have."
Me: "Nothing"
Then she eats half of her alligator skin.
Thursday' snack was a better hit. I made acorns out of mini vanilla wafers, peanut butter and hershey's kisses. They were so cute. Both girls ate them all gone.
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