This week started off slow, but by Wednesday we were crazy busy. In fact, looking back, everything from Wednesday on is just a big blur. Add exhaustion to it, and it is an even bigger blur. Our Awana year at church is coming to an end (whoohoo) and I have been preparing for our Awana Fair on Wednesday night, which will mark our last meeting of the year. I am just a little stressed and still need a couple more people in order to have someone at every station. I have a lot of things to do this week to prepare for games, so this week up until Wednesday will be hectic too, but I am ready to get it started and get it over with. This past week had been spent planning and going shopping for fair games, plus things for our Awana end of year award ceremony. I think I have it all, or at least I hope I do.
We were only able to get three lessons in this week. We will continue working on the letter B tomorrow and start our C lessons this week. I have a lot of fun activities planned, so we should have a good week.
Now on to the biggest event of the week/weekend. My sister graduated with her Bachelors degree in Radiation Sciences(with honors and got the outstanding student award in all of the radiation sciences department). How awesome is that! I am just a LITTLE proud of her. She has accomplished so much and I know it has been a long and hard 6 years for her, but she never gave up. I love her so much and God really blessed me with her as a sister. She is not only my sister, but my best friend. My camera was MIA. I kept forgetting it at all of the important events. Her husband threw a surprise party Friday night for her then we went to both graduations on Saturday with a cookout at my parents afterward. The kids had a blast. Although it was hectic, it was a very good memorable week. Here are some pictures.
This week one of our lessons was on balloons. The girls loved playing with the balloons. This was their snack. It was supposed to look like a balloon. Kristen wanted a face on hers. They basically just licked the icing off.
They made balloon necklaces.
Not sure why Kristen was crying. Lauren started crying because Kristen was. This was their craft. They drew a picture of where they would want to be if they were a balloon. Kristen drew the fair and the ferris wheel.
Here are pictures of the girls with their baker's hats on.
They got to bake a cake for a snack and decorate it. Kristen was super excited. Lauren just wanted to eat the sprinkles.
This was the finished product. A cake FULL of sprinkles. Don't be fooled by the parts that look like there are no sprinkles. There were clear sprinkles there.
While we waited for the cake to bake we played with play doh and made some cakes. This was the first time Lauren played with it without eating it. What a milestone!
They also made Bee bookmarkers this week. They both LOVED it.
This was Kristen bed one night when I went in to cover her up. She is really going to be a hoarder.
Last, but not least. This was the cake I did for my sister's graduation cookout.