Our day was very busy and I am glad to finally get some down time. We started off with church this morning then we went to a local high school and watched a play - Alice in Wonderland. Ever since I asked Kristen what she wanted to be for halloween back in August, she said Alice in Wonderland. At the time that was her favorite movie. Then I got a brillant idea. Lauren could go as the white rabbit. We bought Kristen's costume and my mom had a white bunny costume she had bought for Kristen when she was little. It was a little small for Lauren length wise, so my cousin Paula sewed in an extra little flap and it was perfect. She also made a red jacket for her too. They both looked so cute. We went trick or treating in my parents neighborhood and Kristen really enjoyed it. In fact, I think she would still be trick or treating if it was up to her. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
Here are Kristen and Lauren in their halloween outfits

Kristen waiting for Alice in Wonderland to start

Getting ready to go trick or treating

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