Our day was very busy and I am glad to finally get some down time. We started off with church this morning then we went to a local high school and watched a play - Alice in Wonderland. Ever since I asked Kristen what she wanted to be for halloween back in August, she said Alice in Wonderland. At the time that was her favorite movie. Then I got a brillant idea. Lauren could go as the white rabbit. We bought Kristen's costume and my mom had a white bunny costume she had bought for Kristen when she was little. It was a little small for Lauren length wise, so my cousin Paula sewed in an extra little flap and it was perfect. She also made a red jacket for her too. They both looked so cute. We went trick or treating in my parents neighborhood and Kristen really enjoyed it. In fact, I think she would still be trick or treating if it was up to her. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
Here are Kristen and Lauren in their halloween outfits
Last night at Awana's was pumpkin palooza! Kristen was excited to decorate her pumpkin. She wanted to draw on it with markers, but we found out at my sister's birthday party that markers and pumpkins do not really mix. In fact, I don't even know if the pumpkin has yet to dry. She was equally excited about using paint. The first pumpkin we decorated together. Then I had to decorate a pumpkin, so she decided to decorate one all by herself. That is the one she wanted to take to Awana. Kristen is in the Cubbies class and she looks so cute in her little vest. She loves the Cubbies class!
They did get Halloween bags from Nanny and Grandaddy and both of the girls really enjoyed opening them. The didn't expect it. Kristen said "That was so nice."
I didn't get pictures of them in their Halloween outfits, but they are wearing them again tomorrow so I will be sure and snap some pictures of them. Kristen is looking forward to Halloween. She has even made up her own song! It goes trick or treat and then something about a cup of tea. I am going to try to get a video of it.