These past two years have been the hardest and the most rewarding two years of our lives. Lauren came into this world fighting for her life and us not knowing what tomorrow would bring. I remember a time when I didn't think we would get two minutes with her. Now, two years later she has grown and accomplished so much more than we ever expected. She has developed her own strong-willed personality. She is walking and talking. Instead of just a few words, she is now attempting to say everything. The best gift God has given us is to hear her say "I love you." She loves her big sister and will try to copy anything Kristen does. She likes: dancing to The Wiggles, blueberry cereal bars, chocolate, getting into my purse and chap stick no matter how many times I say no, climbing the stairs, putting diapers on her baby dolls, books, shoes, bath time, and brushing her hair. She brings so much joy and so many smiles to our family. We are so blessed to have her in our lives and we thank God for every day He has given us with her.

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY LITTLE LAUREN! We love you so much! Paula, James, Jimmy & Grace