So, whatever Kristen had seems to be working its way through the family. On Wednesday Lauren woke up with a temperature from her nap. I called the pediatrican and she said to keep an eye on her temperature and if it was still high Thursday morning to bring her in. It never got as high as Kristen's was, and broke at some point during the night. Thursday she seemed fine and I thought maybe her temperature had something to do with her teething. She is getting her back teeth in. Kristen did develope a runny nose, which was clear and now has a little cough. Today Lauren's nose started running. It is clear and she seems to be doing fine. She is steadily crawling throughout the house and getting into things. It hasn't stopped her and really didn't keep Kristen down but for a day. On Friday night I started feeling bad. Paul had gone out of town and I thought of all the times to get sick! By the time I went to bed I was feeling pretty rough and had a sore throat and a lot of sinus drainage. By Saturday I felt better, but still not all that great. Today I feel good, I just have a little bit of a sore throat but I think by tomorrow that will be gone. So, whatever it was I don't think it was all too serious. Paul did say this afternoon that was starting to feel bad.
Here are some new pictures of the girls. Lauren is crawling and getting into things. I never thought I would see the day. Kristen seems to enjoy her more now that she is mobile. They have been playing together today. Kristen is becoming quite the tattletale.

My sister brought over her Band Hero Wii game. Kristen is playing the guitar.

Her favorite was the drums. I think she might be a drummer when she grows up.
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