We have been working for months with Lauren on putting objects into something. She would take them out, but wouldn't put them back in. We even tried big bowls and she still would only take the objects out. Well, she finally got it. Last week her OT said she thought she could do it, she just didn't want to. When her Speech therapist came yesterday she was working on her saying the ba sound and then following it up with the whole word ball. She would then hand Lauren the ball and show here where to put it. It took a few times, but she finally started putting them in. Here is a video I took.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Kristen's 1st Dentist Appointment
Kristen's 1st dentist appointment was a success! I was so proud of her. She did such a good job. The only thing she was scared of was "Mr. Thirsty", the suction tube, so they took him away. She let them clean her teeth and let the dentist count them. She got a Beauty and the Beast toothbrush, some toothpaste, stickers and two little toys in her goodie bag. When we were making her 6 month appointment she said "Do I get a sucker now". We all started laughing. The Dentist said "No, but you got a really cool toothbrush". I was the cheesy mom with the camera so here are a few pictures of her.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Not Much Happening
Things have been pretty quiet here this past week. It has been a good change. Kristen has a big week this week. Tomorrow she goes to the dentist for the 1st time. I have been trying to explain to her what they are going to do, but she just doesn't get it. I decided to take her to my dentist because everyone is extremely nice and it is a small practice. They are just going to let her do what she wants tomorrow to get her comfortable, but hopefully she will let them count and clean her teeth. We'll see. She is also getting her hair cut this week too. Something needs to be done with that hair. I had been hoping to let it grow a little so they would have something to work with because I don't want her hair cut too short. I am going to take her to a place called Diva's and Dudes. It looks very cute place and very much her style. She is a DIVA! We are also going to be going fishing this week. I am excited to see how Kristen likes it. She loves her fishing pole and has been excited to go. I hope she catches something.
Lauren continues to crawl around the house. She has started pulling up on things and is crawling sometimes with her legs in the standing position. It is very cute. We have been taking her out some. I spoke with her pediatrician and she said she should be good to start leaving the house. Our church is having an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and I think I am going to take her to that and to church on Sunday for Easter. I am praying that Lauren does good in the nursery and that there will not be any sick kids in there. Kristen is so excited to go back to church and see all of her Diends instead of Friends.
And lastly, our house is still for sale. God is definitely teaching us a lesson in patience. It has been on the market for 4 months and we are very ready to move. We do not have good neighbors and everyday it seems as if something else is happening to make us want to leave more. We had an open house on Sunday and two couples came by. We have had another two come by and look, but no contracts. I am thankful that we do have a house as many people have lost theirs due to the economy and I know everything will work out at the right time.
Lauren continues to crawl around the house. She has started pulling up on things and is crawling sometimes with her legs in the standing position. It is very cute. We have been taking her out some. I spoke with her pediatrician and she said she should be good to start leaving the house. Our church is having an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and I think I am going to take her to that and to church on Sunday for Easter. I am praying that Lauren does good in the nursery and that there will not be any sick kids in there. Kristen is so excited to go back to church and see all of her Diends instead of Friends.
And lastly, our house is still for sale. God is definitely teaching us a lesson in patience. It has been on the market for 4 months and we are very ready to move. We do not have good neighbors and everyday it seems as if something else is happening to make us want to leave more. We had an open house on Sunday and two couples came by. We have had another two come by and look, but no contracts. I am thankful that we do have a house as many people have lost theirs due to the economy and I know everything will work out at the right time.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Kristen's New Fishing Pole
Paul just bought Kristen a fishing pole and boy is she excited about going fishing with him at Uncle Dee's and Aunt Sheri's. Paul was hoping to take her today, but it turned out to be a bad day. She did spend the weekend practicing and has gotten pretty good. She has a Disney Princess rod that lights up. Here are some pictures that I snapped.

Kristen and Lauren have been playing together so good. Lauren loves her big sister and will follow her around the house. Kristen has referred to Lauren several times as "my sister" and today when Lauren was down for her nap Kristen asked where "my sister" was. When I told her she said "Okay, let's get her up now so we can play." I was able to fix my hair and put on my makeup this morning while they played in Kristen's room. It was very nice. I pray they have a close relationship like me and my sister. Kristen has developed somewhat of an imaginary friend. Her name is Thumbelina. When I took Lauren to the doctor this week Kristen talked to Thumbelina the whole way there. I was chuckling because it really was cute in a very odd way. When I was getting Lauren out of the car Kristen was standing beside me. All of the sudden she said "Oh No, I dropped Thumbelina." I was happy there was no on else around but it sure was a very cute moment. I hope Lauren will take Thumbelina's place. Here is a picture I snapped of them playing over the weekend.
Kristen and Lauren have been playing together so good. Lauren loves her big sister and will follow her around the house. Kristen has referred to Lauren several times as "my sister" and today when Lauren was down for her nap Kristen asked where "my sister" was. When I told her she said "Okay, let's get her up now so we can play." I was able to fix my hair and put on my makeup this morning while they played in Kristen's room. It was very nice. I pray they have a close relationship like me and my sister. Kristen has developed somewhat of an imaginary friend. Her name is Thumbelina. When I took Lauren to the doctor this week Kristen talked to Thumbelina the whole way there. I was chuckling because it really was cute in a very odd way. When I was getting Lauren out of the car Kristen was standing beside me. All of the sudden she said "Oh No, I dropped Thumbelina." I was happy there was no on else around but it sure was a very cute moment. I hope Lauren will take Thumbelina's place. Here is a picture I snapped of them playing over the weekend.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Very Nice Day
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Yucky Cough
So I decided to take Lauren to the doctor because of the cold she has. She has developed a nasty sounding cough and it seemed worse than Kristen's was. I didn't think she was having trouble breathing or any other issues, I just wanted our doctor to listen to her and just reassure me. I have been suctioning out her nose, which is clear, and had also been giving her albuterol just to be on the safe side. Dr. Little said she sounded good. It seems like she has a very bad head cold, which is what the nurse practitioner diagnosed Kristen with. The nasty cough is coming mostly from her throat and upper airways, not her lungs. She did say she isn't surprised she sounds worse than Kristen because Kristen can clear her airway better than Lauren can, causing the stuff to just sit there. She suspects her cough will last for a couple weeks, but she is not contagious. She just has to work all of that mucus out. She said that the albuterol isn't going to help much unless her breathing gets labored, which Lauren hasn't shown any signs of. She did have some fluid behind her ears, but it wasn't an infection, just due to her drainage. She said to just watch her and if she starts pulling at her ears or getting cranky to bring her back in. She seems to feel fine, she just sounds bad. She is crawling and exploring the house and having a good time playing with Kristen and Degas' toys.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
So, whatever Kristen had seems to be working its way through the family. On Wednesday Lauren woke up with a temperature from her nap. I called the pediatrican and she said to keep an eye on her temperature and if it was still high Thursday morning to bring her in. It never got as high as Kristen's was, and broke at some point during the night. Thursday she seemed fine and I thought maybe her temperature had something to do with her teething. She is getting her back teeth in. Kristen did develope a runny nose, which was clear and now has a little cough. Today Lauren's nose started running. It is clear and she seems to be doing fine. She is steadily crawling throughout the house and getting into things. It hasn't stopped her and really didn't keep Kristen down but for a day. On Friday night I started feeling bad. Paul had gone out of town and I thought of all the times to get sick! By the time I went to bed I was feeling pretty rough and had a sore throat and a lot of sinus drainage. By Saturday I felt better, but still not all that great. Today I feel good, I just have a little bit of a sore throat but I think by tomorrow that will be gone. So, whatever it was I don't think it was all too serious. Paul did say this afternoon that was starting to feel bad.
Here are some new pictures of the girls. Lauren is crawling and getting into things. I never thought I would see the day. Kristen seems to enjoy her more now that she is mobile. They have been playing together today. Kristen is becoming quite the tattletale.

My sister brought over her Band Hero Wii game. Kristen is playing the guitar.

Her favorite was the drums. I think she might be a drummer when she grows up.
Here are some new pictures of the girls. Lauren is crawling and getting into things. I never thought I would see the day. Kristen seems to enjoy her more now that she is mobile. They have been playing together today. Kristen is becoming quite the tattletale.
My sister brought over her Band Hero Wii game. Kristen is playing the guitar.
Her favorite was the drums. I think she might be a drummer when she grows up.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Yesterday Lauren started crawling! I was in the kitchen and Paul called me in to the living room to see her crawling. She had been just moving her arms and then would fall on her belly, but now she knows how to move her little legs. Her OT will be so happy. Here is a video I got of Lauren crawling this morning.
Also, yesterday Kristen used the big potty all by herself. She yelled that she was done and when I went in there she had climbed on the big potty and used it. I was so proud of her that I had to snap a picture.
Here are some pictures of Paul's cake Kristen helped me with and of the cards we made for him. Yesterday was a busy day in the Harris Household!

Also, yesterday Kristen used the big potty all by herself. She yelled that she was done and when I went in there she had climbed on the big potty and used it. I was so proud of her that I had to snap a picture.
Here are some pictures of Paul's cake Kristen helped me with and of the cards we made for him. Yesterday was a busy day in the Harris Household!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Paul!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Kristen's 1st Time Skating
Kristen went to my cousins little girls birthday party yesterday at Skate-A-Way. My cousin gave her a couple pair of skates. Kristen did put them on and we made it over to the beginners rink, but once she fell she didn't want to do it anymore. She still had a lot of fun dancing to the music. I even put on some skates and skated with my sister. I am not a good skater at all. I had a lot of fun too. Once we got home Kristen did put on the skates and skated around the kitchen. This morning when I was getting everyone up and ready for the day, I went into Kristen's room and she had her skates on. She really does enjoy them. Thank you Paula!

This is the cute cake that my cousin made

Kristen this morning in her skates
This is the cute cake that my cousin made
Kristen this morning in her skates
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Diagnosis - Cold
I took Kristen to the doctor on Thursday and they said she had a cold. I was concerned it was RSV because the pediatrician told me a week ago that they were seeing more cases of RSV than usual. They said Kristen's lungs sounded clear and that it was just a head cold. Kristen's fever broke on Thursday around 6pm and I was relieved. She sounds a bit stuffy, but hasn't been coughing or had a runny nose. I am so glad she is feeling better. Now I just pray Lauren doesn't catch it.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
GI Appointment And A Sick Little Kristen
So Lauren's appointment went good. She did weigh 15 lbs 10 oz. We have almost hit the 16 lb mark! She is still following her 3% curve, which is good. I discussed my concern about her not eating at all when I would tube feed during the day with the doctor. She did agree that while it is important for her to gain weight, we also don't want to loose the progress we have made with her eating. So, we will be starting her night feed two hours earlier and basically just let her eat what she wants during the day. We go back in a week for a weight check. I hope this works. I did get to see them replace her Mic-Key button. When we go back I will do it while the doctor watches. It really did seem very easy. A lot easier than measuring off a g-tube and sticking it down her nose into her stomach. I hated those days!
When I got home Kristen had started to feel bad. My dad said she felt like she had a fever, so I checked her temperature and it was 100.3. She just wasn't herself. I gave her medicine, but it really didn't work as well as I would have liked. It did bring it down, but only a very little bit. I called the after hours doctor line last night because she felt much warmer than her temperature said and when she fell asleep on the couch I noticed that she seemed to be breathing very rapidly. They said this was due to her fever and the body was trying to cool itself down. They said to keep an eye on her temperature and to bring her in today so I am up and waiting for the doctor's office to open. I hope I can get her an early appointment. She has been drinking and while last night she only had a fever, today she seems to be stuffy and having a little difficulty breathing. I slept on the couch and moved her mattress into the living room floor so that I could keep an eye on her. Her temperature 30 minutes after she woke up this morning and after her last dose of Tylenol was 102.5. No more Sunday School for little Kristen. She is going to be upset, but we can't be bringing all types of germs into our home for little Lauren to catch. I have been praying that Lauren will not catch it and Kristen will start to feel better very soon. I hate seeing her sick.
When I got home Kristen had started to feel bad. My dad said she felt like she had a fever, so I checked her temperature and it was 100.3. She just wasn't herself. I gave her medicine, but it really didn't work as well as I would have liked. It did bring it down, but only a very little bit. I called the after hours doctor line last night because she felt much warmer than her temperature said and when she fell asleep on the couch I noticed that she seemed to be breathing very rapidly. They said this was due to her fever and the body was trying to cool itself down. They said to keep an eye on her temperature and to bring her in today so I am up and waiting for the doctor's office to open. I hope I can get her an early appointment. She has been drinking and while last night she only had a fever, today she seems to be stuffy and having a little difficulty breathing. I slept on the couch and moved her mattress into the living room floor so that I could keep an eye on her. Her temperature 30 minutes after she woke up this morning and after her last dose of Tylenol was 102.5. No more Sunday School for little Kristen. She is going to be upset, but we can't be bringing all types of germs into our home for little Lauren to catch. I have been praying that Lauren will not catch it and Kristen will start to feel better very soon. I hate seeing her sick.
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