Kristen is now potty trained! The last time I tried to potty train her it was a disaster, so I was dreading it. I put her in big girl underwear and she just went with it. By the second day she was going by herself, I didn't have to ask her. If I was busy doing something she would yell "Mommy, I'm done." It was amazing the difference. I can't remember the last time she had an accident. She like a human sponge. It is amazing the knowledge she is able to retain. She constantly amazes me. We are able to have conversations now and she is just hilarious. She is at such a fun age. Next month she will celebrate her 3rd birthday. I can't believe how fast time flies. She wants a Little Mermaid party. She helped me send out the invitations and put stickers on them.
Lauren is now eating table food. I thought we would have an issue with that, but she has done fine. This morning she ate some oatmeal and a bottle. For lunch she ate Mandarin oranges, pasta and a bottle. I am so glad she is eating table food. We had been mixing all of her milk to 26 calories. She never really drank it much during the day. I found out over Christmas that she doesn't like the taste of the milk with the increased calories. Now we give her the regular 22 calories during the day and the 26 at her feeding at night. She drinks her bottle much better. We are starting to wean her from the pacifier. She doesn't get it at all during the day, only at nap time and bedtime. I am not looking forward to taking it away completely. She is so attached to it when she sleeps. We are also going to start transitioning to a sippy cup and taking the bottle away. She continues to see the speech therapist and occupational therapist. We have her year evaluation next week. We will see what age her development is at. We are teaching her some sign language. She can sign "more" when she wants more of something. We are now trying to teach her the "all done" and "eat" sign.
Below are some pictures. Enjoy!!!
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