We took Kristen to go pick out her pumpkins for halloween. It was so cold that day. We didn't go to a pumpkin patch, and I was glad we didn't. She really didn't care to much for picking out pumpkins. She was more into the cars going down the road than anything. Below are a couple pictures. Kristen is going to be Cinderella and Lauren is going to be a flower. I will post pictures tomorrow of them in their costumes.
Which one will it be?
This is the one!
Picking out one for her sister.
We also took Kristen to go see the Disney on Ice. We sat next to the fog machine, so most of our pictures turned out foggy. It was a good show. Kristen did get board at the end because she hadn't seen the movies they were acting out. She did get to shake Cinderella's hand. There were a couple parts where she got scared, but overall she enjoyed herself. I would definately take her again.
Kristen holding up her Cinderella doll she got.
Getting ready for the show.
Here are a few pictures of Lauren. We are starting to give her regular milk once a day. She really likes it. I don't blame her because if her formula tastes like it smells, I am sure milk is a good treat. She continues to amaze us every day.
Go Cowboys! (Sorry Jennifer and Craig)
Kristen teaching Lauren how to count.
Lauren opening her Halloween gifts from her Nanny and Grandaddy. She likes to chew on the rubber ducks beak.
Kristen opening her gifts from Nanny and Grandaddy. Her poor hair...it's like really bad shag carpet. I don't know what to do! I hope it grows soon and starts to look normal.
Hey Guys, I haven't been able to keep up with you since I retired. Now that I can, it appears you have a new website. I so enyoyed the pictures and the update on the girls. I will attempt to keep up. You can contact me at peggytaylor2009@hotmail.com