Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Lots of things...
I didn't realize how long it has been since I posted last. Lots of things have happened. Lauren went for another follow-up appointment with her GI doctor. They weren't able to place the button, but she will definately get it in December. I am kind of dreading it because they said it would be painful for her. They said to give her some tylenol before she comes. She did weigh 13 lbs 13 ozs and is still in the 3% category. She is following her curve on the growth chart and sticking with that 3%, so they are happy. We did get her RSV shot back in October. She wasn't approved, but our doctor had one on hand to give her. She then had to jump through hoops, but was able to get the insurance company to approve her getting the shots this season. She goes back in next week for her second one. We did decide to go ahead and give the H1N1 vaccine to our girls. After a LOT of prayer and discussion we decided it was best. So far so good. They do have to get a second one on November 23rd. Paul and I will get ours when it becomes available for us. Lauren's lungs are so poor that we doubted that she would be able to fight it off.
We took Kristen to go pick out her pumpkins for halloween. It was so cold that day. We didn't go to a pumpkin patch, and I was glad we didn't. She really didn't care to much for picking out pumpkins. She was more into the cars going down the road than anything. Below are a couple pictures. Kristen is going to be Cinderella and Lauren is going to be a flower. I will post pictures tomorrow of them in their costumes.

Which one will it be?

This is the one!

Picking out one for her sister.
We also took Kristen to go see the Disney on Ice. We sat next to the fog machine, so most of our pictures turned out foggy. It was a good show. Kristen did get board at the end because she hadn't seen the movies they were acting out. She did get to shake Cinderella's hand. There were a couple parts where she got scared, but overall she enjoyed herself. I would definately take her again.

Kristen holding up her Cinderella doll she got.

Getting ready for the show.
Here are a few pictures of Lauren. We are starting to give her regular milk once a day. She really likes it. I don't blame her because if her formula tastes like it smells, I am sure milk is a good treat. She continues to amaze us every day.

Go Cowboys! (Sorry Jennifer and Craig)

Kristen teaching Lauren how to count.

Lauren opening her Halloween gifts from her Nanny and Grandaddy. She likes to chew on the rubber ducks beak.

Kristen opening her gifts from Nanny and Grandaddy. Her poor's like really bad shag carpet. I don't know what to do! I hope it grows soon and starts to look normal.
We took Kristen to go pick out her pumpkins for halloween. It was so cold that day. We didn't go to a pumpkin patch, and I was glad we didn't. She really didn't care to much for picking out pumpkins. She was more into the cars going down the road than anything. Below are a couple pictures. Kristen is going to be Cinderella and Lauren is going to be a flower. I will post pictures tomorrow of them in their costumes.
Which one will it be?
This is the one!
Picking out one for her sister.
We also took Kristen to go see the Disney on Ice. We sat next to the fog machine, so most of our pictures turned out foggy. It was a good show. Kristen did get board at the end because she hadn't seen the movies they were acting out. She did get to shake Cinderella's hand. There were a couple parts where she got scared, but overall she enjoyed herself. I would definately take her again.
Kristen holding up her Cinderella doll she got.
Getting ready for the show.
Here are a few pictures of Lauren. We are starting to give her regular milk once a day. She really likes it. I don't blame her because if her formula tastes like it smells, I am sure milk is a good treat. She continues to amaze us every day.
Go Cowboys! (Sorry Jennifer and Craig)
Kristen teaching Lauren how to count.
Lauren opening her Halloween gifts from her Nanny and Grandaddy. She likes to chew on the rubber ducks beak.
Kristen opening her gifts from Nanny and Grandaddy. Her poor's like really bad shag carpet. I don't know what to do! I hope it grows soon and starts to look normal.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Speech Therapy
We are doing our best staying in for the winter. I don't have cabin fever yet. We have had some appointments and October will be a busy month for us. Paul and I got our flu shots last Monday. Kristen and Lauren got theirs on Wednesday. Kristen still has a bruise from hers. On Friday Lauren got her 1st RSV shot of the season.
I think Paul and I have decided not to give the H1N1 vaccine to our girls. It is a hard decision because they are saying the virus is very mild for healthy people, but unfortunately for us Lauren is not in the "healthy" category. Do we take a risk, not know the long term affects or short term affects for that matter, and use our kids as guinea pigs? If there was more concrete research I would be the first one standing in line with my two girls to get it. This means we are going to have to be extra cautious. We are now debating if Paul and I should get it for the girls sake. I think that might be our best option, especially since we are the ones who will be going out. This has been a very difficult decision for us both.
On another note, Lauren is starting speech therapy in a few weeks. We had her evaluated and they said it was something we should start because she was only making the Ahh sound. She was trying to say baba and dada but she wasn't putting any sound to it. Of course, the first thing that pops into my mind is brain hemorrhages. It is hard for me to not always jump to that conclusion even though Paul says I shouldn't. So I prayed about it and realized that Lauren is on her schedule and to realize that my job is to get her all the help I can and God would do the rest. Well, a couple days later she started putting sound to the baba and dada and throwing in some other things that I couldn't tell what they were! Isn't God Great!! So all that worrying for nothing.
Kristen is now into the Princesses. We just got her the Snow White dvd and the first thing she said this morning when I woke her up was "I wanna watch Snow White". She hadn't even opened her eyes yet. When we first got the dvd and came home we sat down to eat dinner and she thanked God for her Snow White. Paul and I are taking her to the Disney on Ice on October 23rd. I am so excited. She is going to absolutely love it. I just pray we don't get sick because there is going to be a lot of people there.
I think Paul and I have decided not to give the H1N1 vaccine to our girls. It is a hard decision because they are saying the virus is very mild for healthy people, but unfortunately for us Lauren is not in the "healthy" category. Do we take a risk, not know the long term affects or short term affects for that matter, and use our kids as guinea pigs? If there was more concrete research I would be the first one standing in line with my two girls to get it. This means we are going to have to be extra cautious. We are now debating if Paul and I should get it for the girls sake. I think that might be our best option, especially since we are the ones who will be going out. This has been a very difficult decision for us both.
On another note, Lauren is starting speech therapy in a few weeks. We had her evaluated and they said it was something we should start because she was only making the Ahh sound. She was trying to say baba and dada but she wasn't putting any sound to it. Of course, the first thing that pops into my mind is brain hemorrhages. It is hard for me to not always jump to that conclusion even though Paul says I shouldn't. So I prayed about it and realized that Lauren is on her schedule and to realize that my job is to get her all the help I can and God would do the rest. Well, a couple days later she started putting sound to the baba and dada and throwing in some other things that I couldn't tell what they were! Isn't God Great!! So all that worrying for nothing.
Kristen is now into the Princesses. We just got her the Snow White dvd and the first thing she said this morning when I woke her up was "I wanna watch Snow White". She hadn't even opened her eyes yet. When we first got the dvd and came home we sat down to eat dinner and she thanked God for her Snow White. Paul and I are taking her to the Disney on Ice on October 23rd. I am so excited. She is going to absolutely love it. I just pray we don't get sick because there is going to be a lot of people there.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
New Pictures
Hi Everyone! I thought I would post some new pictures. Everything is going good here. Tonight I did have to call one of the doctors about Lauren's tube. The disk on the outside was coming out, but the tube was still in (it was moving in and out too). The doctor said it sounded like she just needed a bigger tube. So, we taped it and I am going to call Dr. Kessle on Monday so see what she wants me to do. I am so glad we didn't have to make a trip to the ER, especially with all of the H1N1 cases. God was looking out for us.
Kristen wasn't too happy to be sharing her chair with Lauren, but they semi-matched so I wanted a picture.
Kristen taking an important call while riding around.
I thought this was the cutest picture. Lauren was all smiles this day.
Kristen wanted Lauren to wear her hat from the NICU so bad. She tried everything to get it on and finally settle for half way.
Lauren eating a Cheese Puff. This was her third one. She loved them.
Kristen helping me make muffins. She loves to help.
These are made from scratch pumpkin cupcakes that I made tonight. They were very good. I even made the icing from scratch too.
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