Lauren is finally home! We got home yesterday around 5:30 and boy is it good to finally be home. Lauren is doing good eating and we were able to increase her back up to her 26 calorie per ounce formula last night. She is tolerating the night feedings very well. She is getting a continuous feed at night for 10 hours. We go back to her GI doctor in two weeks. She likes to grab on to the tube so I am so scared she is going to pull it out. Kristen was so happy to see me yesterday and kept hugging me. She was also very excited to see her sister. Thank you all for you prayers. God has truely blessed us yet again with a successful surgery.

Lauren before surgery.

Lauren's little bracelet.

Lauren after surgery. Not feeling too good.

Lauren the day after surgery. She is such a happy girl.

Lauren's name tag on her door.
I am continuously amazed by her strength and beautiful smile no matter what! God is good!