When I think about camping, I think about the movie, The Parent Trap. They had nice cabins. So, when I found out we would be in cabins, I was a bit relieved. Until...dun dun dun...I got to the cabin and it looked like this.
Something straight out of a horror movie. Just give me a tent, please. It also came complete with a mouse and cockroaches. I think Paul tried to sabotage my camping trip, since I saw this on the table.
Now, if the outside wasn't bad enough, this is what the inside looked like.
I'm just going to say, if I had to build a cabin in the woods, it would NOT look like this. At all. Even if I were on a budget. Apparently, according to the campers of the group, these were nice cabins. If so, I would hate to see the not so nice cabins. I kinda picture them being similar to an outhouse. I can't believe people actually pay money to spend a weekend like this.
The dining hall was a little better. I didn't feel like a serial killer was going to come and kill us all, but it was oh so hot.
The girls played a lot of games while camping. It was kind of like Survivor. Luckily they picked the same color bandana and were on the same team, Takoda. They had to decorate a team flag.
Kristen and Lauren had some really sweet girls on their team.
The downfall to homeschooling is organized games. Not that my kids have never played games, but they just kinda do their own thing and are new to the whole relay thing. Kristen had no problem adapting.
Lauren, however, wasn't a fan of all the game playing. Who am I kidding. Lauren wasn't a fan of camping in general and I don't blame her one bit. She did enjoy playing in the mulch though.
The best thing about the trip was that the parents got to play the games too. At least I wasn't having to just sit there and think about how hot it was, counting down the hours until I was home in my air conditioned, bug free home and all the outdoorsy dirt scrubbed away.
The highlight of the trip for the girls...the part of the trip they found the most exciting was doing the dishes. What? We don't have to go camping to do dishes.
You dip your plate, cup, bowl, utensils (along with everyone else's) in a bucket of soapy water, then bleach water and then rinse water. The crazy clean, I see germs everywhere, lady inside me had a real problem with this. I had to wash them. These buckets just weren't cutting it.
Then we hung them out to dry in our little mesh bags on the clothes line. Now, I am all for this drying method though. If only I could find bags big enough to for my pots and pans.
The girls went on a scavenger hunt and collected beads to do macrame necklaces. Who knew tying little knots would be so complicated. Our macrame still sits in a bag and will remain there until I declutter. I have watched Youtube videos, but it's way too complicated. Maybe if I had some Burkenstocks...
They also decorated and made little seats out of 5 gallon buckets.
At first I thought that this was a waste of a completely good bucket. I really couldn't see Paul carrying around a bucket decorated with Frozen duct tape. I had no idea what I was going to do with these decorated buckets, but they look kind of cute in their room. And they are able to store things in them and use them as chairs. Pretty nifty.
They used their new seats around the camp fire while making s'mores.
We almost had a little emergency when Kristen was given an almond. We don't know for certain that she is allergic to almonds, but were told to avoid ALL tree nuts since she is allergic to cashews. Well, some weirdo makes s'mores Hershey's with almonds. I know, right. Anyways, she came to me and told me her chocolate had an almond in it. Immediately her voice started getting weird. Luckily I had Benadryl and gave her a double dose. Emergency avoided. Mommy 1. Almond 0.
I am pretty sure I will never camp again...EVER. But I could temporarily go loco again. Good thing I have this blog post to remind me of just how horrible camping is...although I really don't think I will forget.