This year was probably the best Mother's Day I have had since becoming a mom. I recieved the best gift, and it didn't come from the store, didn't cost any money, and it came from the heart of the most loving, caring and kind seven year old I know. She was so excited about her gift (that was in a big gift bag with tissue paper and all), that she couldn't wait until today to give it to me. What I found in the bag were two pieces of paper with ALOT of writing. Something that I knew she worked very hard on, especially since she sounded out every word. Then, when she started reading them to me, my heart melted. Paul and I couldn't hold back the tears.
Here is the card.
On the inside she wrote:
Mom I know how hard it is to take care of kids. I am sorry for all of the times I was bad and given you a hard time and when I was selfish. Love Kristen
On the back she wrote:
Thank you for reading. I hope you can read this. Love Kristen
She also gave me this.
On the back of this she wrote:
You are the best mom in the world. You make me food and you clean the house and you know how to take care of us. Love, Kristen.
I have fixed all of the spelling errors, although they made the card so much sweeter. As my sister put it today, these are the memories you run back into the fire to get. A memory that will forever be cherished. I am so thankful that I am the mother to three awesome kids.