I purposely didn't blog over the summer because I wanted to enjoy time with my kids instead of always trying to capture blog worthy moments for a post. I will admit, my blogging has pretty much taken the back burner in my life, but once again I am going to try to be a better blogger...solely for the memories it leaves me with. Nothing makes me want to blog more than going back and reading past posts.
Our summer has been pretty relaxing....something we all needed. There were a few bumps here and there, but it mostly went by quickly and smoothly. We started our summer with VBS and if I am honest...it was a rough week for us. We didn't necessarily have to be up earlier than usual, well for me and Dallas it wasn't early, but for the girls it was. It was the getting up and getting moving that was the hard part. No cuddling in the recliner until 8:00 for Dallas and I. No getting up and watching cartoons until 8:30 breakfast time for the girls. Nope...we all had to get up, get dressed and eat breakfast before 8:00. Even though I was completely exhausted by the time VBS ended and took several naps that week, it was a very rewarding week. You forget how fun it is and how much the kids enjoy it and look forward to it. Kristen loved it! Lauren finally started to like it once it was ending. And Dallas....well, it wasn't his favorite week, but I would like to think he enjoyed it a little bit. Kristen is already looking forward to next year.

We had our annual firework show at the Harris House. This is becoming a tradition that we have enjoyed. We buy our fireworks and Paul sets them off in the front yard. I think the girls enjoy this more than going somewhere. Once the fireworks are done...into the bath and in the bed the kids go.
The girls with sparklers
Memaw, Kristen, Lauren and Dallas
Grandpa Fred and Dallas just a rockin
We also took a trip to visit my grandmother. She turned 95 this year. That's something to celebrate. We enjoy our time in the mountains visiting with her. Kristen and Lauren love it. Mountain life is a lot different and it's nice to see family you don't get to see but once a year.
We celebrated Lauren's fifth birthday with a monkey party. She wanted a monkey cake and I decided to make the monkey out of fondant. It turned out pretty good. The hardest part was getting lime green icing. It is a lot trickier than one would think.
Our last hoorah before our school starts was our trip to the beach. My parents and sister (and her husband) rented a house in Salvo North Carolina and invited us down. We were all excited. It was the kids first trip staying at the beach. Kristen loved the sand, Lauren loved the water and Dallas hated it all. He cried and screamed and just wanted to be held. He hated the water and the sand on his feet. He finally walked around with his shoes on, but was happier being away from the beach. The house was so nice and we all had a wonderful time. I am so thankful for my family and all they do for us.
Kristen and Aunt Kelly's sand castle.
Kristen LOVED the sand.
Lauren and her sand castle her and Meme made.
One of the very few times Dallas actually played in the sand.
The girls in the Jacuzzi. There were LOTS of bubbles...and they kept multiplying.
It is hard to believe the summer is over. It does seem like it just begun. Kristen did finish up with all of her math workbooks and reading over the summer. She finally got over the reading hump and is doing so good. School starts for us in two days. I am excited. Here are some more pictures from our summer.
Dallas spent the summer getting into things he wasn't supposed to...
Kristen spent the summer trying to keep Dallas out of her room.
No brothers allowed!
She also spent her summer being creative.
This is supposed to be the bunny from the story Knuffle Bunny
Some of our summer was spent being silly...
There were some firsts.....
Dallas' first at home hair cut...that was way too short.

Lauren's first time painting her fingernails....all by herself.
We prepared for rain....
Ate Popsicle's....
And had a picnic....
What a great summer!