Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Lauren

My Dear Sweet Lauren,

Happy birthday to you!  Your are 5 years old today.....WOW!  Where has time gone?  So much has happened over the past five years of your life.  The good years have now surpassed the bad and I get to do something I prayed for so long ago.  I get to sit back and watch you grow.  I remember sitting in the NICU, watching you in your Isolette and thinking...if only I could fast forward five years.  I didn't know what life would be like in five years, and if I am honest...I didn't even know if you would be here with us, but I did know that things five years down the road had to be a lot easier than they were then.  I was so heartbroken and the only thing I could do was pray for you....and that's what I did.  So did so many other people.  There were prayers going up all over the place for you.  Prayers from people we didn't even know. 

Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have given me relief when I was in distress.
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!
-Psalm 4:1
God heard our prayers and he answered them beyond what we could imagine.  He showed us that, no matter what statistics say or MRI's show, you were going to walk and talk and be able to see and hear. You are a child of God and have been "fearfully and wonderfully made"  by Him. God chose you sweet girl! You are His miracle.  God has big plans for you! 
I look forward to watching you grow, just don't grow up too fast.  I love you more than I could ever express and thank God everyday that He chose me to be your Momma.  

Lots of hugs and kisses just for you on your birthday!
