The reading woes struck again this week. They came out of nowhere and took me by surprise!
Last week was such a good productive week and I was sure we had made great steps toward conquering reading, but this week we took a few steps back. Yep, we weren't dancing around doing the reading dance, but we also didn't shed any tears either. We were somewhere in between. I hate that reading is such a struggle for her. I hate that it's not fun anymore and she dreads reading time. I never thought it would be this difficult. I have explained it every way possible and then....I had an
AHA Moment! I thought of something quite simple and it really made me want to smack my forehead because I hadn't thought of it sooner. It came while I was looking up curriculum for next year (more about that later) and I was specifically looking at a spelling curriculum. While perusing the sample pages it hit me. I need to start having Kristen spell out her words and at the end of the week I will give her a spelling test. I know...I'm a genius! I know reading is about memorization, but I want to teach her the foundation of reading and sounding out words. If she can't sound out words she won't be able to read all of those hard words in the bible and doesn't everyone love to get stuck with those verses to read out loud. She has the letter sounds down, in fact she is really good at putting some force behind the sound, it is just very disconnected. So, we will try writing her spelling words (which will help her penmanship) and see if it helps with her reading. Maybe next weeks post will include pictures of us doing the reading dance. I dream big!

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Philippians 2:15b
This is where the pink elephants come in. We learned that Jesus wants us to be an example to others. We should be known for our kindness, patience and good behavior. Paul tells us in Romans not to copy the behavior and customs of the world, but to be a new and different person in our thoughts and actions. The girls made a list (well, they told me and I put it on the list) of things they can do to help others and stand out. Their list included:
-if someone falls, help them up
-make sure our friend is okay (this goes along with someone falling)
-give someone candy if they are sick
-help clean up
-play with Dallas
-help others
And they made cute little elephants out of their hands.
Kristen is doing fabulous with math. This week she started learning about a ruler and how to measure things. Her adding is great and she is starting to add harder numbers. Within the next couple of weeks we should be starting her second math book.
Lauren is doing good with her letters. She has learned letters A-H and their sounds. Next week will be a review for her and we will be reading her favorite book
Pop Pop Pop! I have never seen her get so excited about something than she does about reading this book and she yells pop, pop, pop as loud as her little paralyzed vocal cord will let her. It is possibly one of the cutest things I have seen. Kristen and I laugh and it does brighten our day.
I did look up curriculum for Kristen for next year. We are going to be busy, busy, busy. I had a social studies curriculum picked out, but it really was very expensive, especially for being an elective. BUT, I really wanted to use this curriculum. I found the workbook and timeline on ebay used. The expense came with all of the supplemental reading material that goes along with this curriculum. Seventeen additional books being sold between 6-13 dollars was not in our budget. In corresponding with the seller she told me to check my local library for the books. That was what she did and our library, or should I say libraries, had them (I will be going to several different counties so it's a good thing I have multiple cards). I will only have to purchase one book for the curriculum. So we are saving about $70 on this curriculum. The lesson learned: When God is leading you to a certain curriculum He will work everything out.
Here are some other non-school related things that happened this week:
Kristen lost another tooth! That makes two and she has another loose one. I can't believe it. The tooth fairy is going to need a loan.
Paul and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary. I can't believe we have been married for 9 years! It makes me feel so old. I made him a special anniversary dinner. I had planned to have left over soup, but figured I loved him so much I would make him a special dinner.