Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up


This week of homeschooling went great! I couldn't have asked for a better week...and to top it all kids actually learned something! I was impressed with both girls and have come to the conclusion that they do not take after me when it comes to their learning abilities. I have to be honest...they get it solely from Paul. I mean, I didn't know that helium weighs less than air and that is why helium balloons rise! Wow! I also learned that if a child can't hop on one foot then they aren't ready for reading. Not sure how true it is, but sounds good to me. That means Kristen is ready for reading...Lauren is not. Anyways, we learned a lot of good things this week. Yes, I do mean we. It is sad when I have learned something from a kindergarten/preschool lesson, but I am not ashamed! Knowledge is wealth...right.

Kristen has embraced learning with so much enthusiasm and curiosity.  Actually, I think she just loves her "school box" full of crayons, scissors, pencils and glue.  The questions of the day, every day, are "When are we going to use our school box?", "Are we going to use our school box now?", "Now is it time to use our school box?".  I think I have heard every variation of that question at least 10 times a day. Every morning when I tell them to zip their lips and turn up their listening ears Kristen spends a lot of time turning up her ears.  She happily tells me that "They go up really loud for school."  (If only I could get them to go up really loud when I tell her to clean up).  This week has been mostly a review week for Kristen.  She has enjoyed doing the worksheets and I am very impressed with her writing skills, her ability to follow directions, her knowledge of some letters and her ability to recognize all numbers.  I have realized where she falls in learning and can now push her a little farther to learn more new and exciting things.  She really is a sponge taking in everything you say.  Nothing gets her more motivated than telling her when she finishes something she will get a sticker.  Oh, to have the only worry in life be which sticker you will pick out next!

(Don't be fooled by this picture, she is a lefty and I am finding it hard to show her how to write.)

Lauren ended up knowing more than I knew she knew. (Whoa, that's a lot of knowing in one sentence).  She knew big and small and could sort accordingly.  I am pretty sure she already knew the shape of a triangle, but we'll just pretend she didn't and learned it in one week.  On one activity I explained to her that she needed to circle the biggest picture on her worksheet then turned my head to help Kristen do something, when I looked back she had all the biggest ones circled.  I have come to the conclusion that she is one of those kids that you talk to and explain something to over and over, all the while she just looks at you like she doesn't understand...then realize that she comprehended what you said the first time...she just didn't want to do it.  She quietly takes everything in and is becoming good at getting me to think she doesn't know how to do it.  Just recently I learned, by telling her she couldn't get a brownie until she put things back where they went, that she does know how to clean up and where things go.  I would make excuses, "It's all too overwhelming for her" or "She really doesn't know where everything goes."  That little stinker had the wool pulled over my eyes, but not any longer.  I am on to her game and she might be undefeated but that's gonna change!

I had a lot of anxiety and felt very overwhelmed before starting homeschooling.  I was sure I was going to be bald soon because my hair was (and still is) falling out at a rapid rate due to stress.  In fact, my purpose in starting a week early was to see if it worked for us, and if not, to have time to enroll Kristen in school...just in case.  I didn't know how I was going to accomplish everything I needed to get done in a day (making breakfast, lunch and dinners, laundry, 4 feeding for Dallas, baths, teeth brushing, getting myself ready, cleaning, homeschooling, preparing for homeschooling, having time to spend with each kid).  As I said, it was all VERY OVERWHELMING!  But, I have found that I get all of this plus some other things done, and still have plenty of time in a day.  I am pretty exhausted come bedtime, but I have been sleeping better...that's a plus.  The most overwhelming thing was that it is a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.  I mean, if they don't learn the things they need to learn it will be my fault.  If they are behind, it will be because I have failed in some way to get them to learn.  I don't have a teaching degree, but read an article that said parents are the ones that teach their children the most important things in life.  Someone may sit down and teach them the multiplication table, but who my kids become in the future is because of what starts in the home.  That is so true and I want my kids to grow into good responsible adults who love the Lord above anything else. Hopefully we are on the right track.

This was the favorite activity of the week.  Painting!  Lauren painted for a good 30 minutes.  Maybe a future Picasso?
Lauren's circles and Kristen's letters. Both girls pretty much did these worksheets on their own.

Their pictures of what God's house looks like.  Kristen's on top and Lauren's on the bottom.  They loved them some glitter!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All About This Little Man

The title of this post sums up the way life is in the Harris house.  It is definitely all about this little man.

He has all the girls in this family wrapped around his little finger.  It is because he is just so darn cute!  I can't believe he is already 6 months old.  He has been in our lives for half a year!  My goodness time goes by fast when your taking care of kids. 

Dallas is a good baby, if you overlook the fussiness, which sometimes is very hard to do (just ask Daddy).  He likes to be entertained and nothing short of a circus or marching band is going to amuse him.  So, unless you are holding him, talking to him, tickling him, performing magical shows (as Kristen likes to do)...he is probably fussing.  To me the fussiness has just become background noise.  I try to look on the bright side, if he wasn't fussing I would probably think something was wrong.  Now, don't get me wrong, he doesn't fuss all the time.  He is quiet during feedings, naps and most nights while he is sleeping.  Morning time is generally his least fussy time, which is when I try to get most of my things done.  I feel like I have ran a marathon by lunchtime because after his afternoon nap it is downhill from there.  I used to say, "Once he can bounce himself in his bouncy seat, he won't be so fussy." Or "When he can sit in the exercauser, he won't be so fussy", but he does both things and is still fussy.  Now I have come to the conclusion he has been "teething" since birth and won't stop being fussy until he can sit independently and play with toys (which he can almost do).  It is better to think this way than to think I actually created this fussy little cute monster!  The good news is, when I pick him up he usually stops immediately.  The bad news...I just can't hold him all day long.  I actually have "that baby", you know the one.  Yep, that's him.  Motherhood is a learning process and I am still trying to figure out how to un-spoil a child.  I tell you, it is a whole lot easier to spoil them!

(Even his fussy face is a cute one)

Kristen and Lauren still adore him though.  Kristen is a big helper and can usually entertain him when needed.  Both are very good at sticking his pacifier in.  Although Lauren did say the other day, when she stuck the pacifier in and he spit it out several times, that "it's not working."  I just had to chuckle because that is EXACTLY how I feel sometimes.  Lauren, bless her heart, goes to get him a toy to try to make him stop.  Unfortunately, they are usually in the form of choking hazards, which I hope isn't on purpose!  So tomorrow I have the lovely task of cleaning out all of the little toys in the playroom.  Lucky me.

At his 6 month appointment he weighed 15 pounds 14 ounces.  He has slowed down in his weight gain and is now in the 25th percentile.  That is exactly where Kristen is, so at least we are consistent.  We started him on stage two baby food, which I like a lot better.  It isn't as runny and messy as stage one, but I still HATE the baby food stage though. He likes fruits, but doesn't like veggies so much.  I usually end up mixing them together at some point during his feeding.  He still loves his bottle though!  That's his "Fav" as Lauren says.  He can now hold his bottle, which works out really great for homeschooling.  He can also put his pacifier back in, which works out really great when he is taking a nap or going to sleep.  As long as he can see it, he will grab it and stick it back in his mouth.  I am trying to enjoy him to the fullest since there will be no more little Harris' running around after him. I am glad I have been able to watch him grow and him grow into a quiet young man.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Homeschooling Day #1

Today was a success! It played out exactly how perfectly I had it pictured, in fact, it couldn't have gone any smoother!  When I woke the girls up this morning they both popped right out of bed super excited about it being "a school day", as Kristen refers to it.  The first thing Lauren said this morning was "my backpack".  No school day is complete without your backpack full of all the essentials (play hairdryer, birthday cards, play doctor's stethoscope, mirror, a cell phone, 8 hair brushes and an assortment of rings and bracelets).  I went all out for breakfast.  Instead of making the Food Lion brand blueberry muffins, I fixed the Betty Crocker Cinnamon Strudel muffins with crunchy cinnamon topping. Kristen said "Mom, I don't always like what you fix, but I sure do like your muffins."  Score!  Lauren was too busy shoving the muffins in to say anything, but a muffin is not complete with out some BLING and a cell phone!

(By the way....this was muffin #2)

Dallas slept for the first part of our lesson, which is what I was hoping for.  He went down for is nap without a fight, no fussing.... nothing!  Woke up while we watched our shape video and the girls had a snack.  He played very quietly in his exercauser then when we went back to the table for the rest of our lesson he ate his bottle in his bouncy seat and didn't make a peep!  Now that's the power of prayer people!!!  If God can quiet that boy down He is definitely an AWESOME God!

I thought I was going to have a problem with Lauren answering questions.  Her answer to anything you ask her is "I don't know".  This includes her name, how old she is, if she is feeling good.  Well, I quickly realized she was jumping on the "I don't know" train and I really didn't want to go down the track of frustration.  So, in my most loving motherly voice I explained that if she didn't answer the questions that I asked then she was going to have to go to big school with all of the big kids away from Mommy. Well, that got her talking.  Fear is a great motivator!

We did a lot of fun things today.  We learned about God giving us the gift of His beautiful world to live in.  We talked about all the reasons why we love daddy...and there are A LOT!  In fact, to show daddy how much we love him we are fixing a special dinner for him tonight.  Well, not too special, the kids just get to help me to show an act of service to him since he works so hard for us.  Lauren learned about a triangle and how to sort by color and Kristen learned about following simple written directions by looking at a picture and sorting and sequencing.  They drew a picture of themselves with daddy. We made a fish craft to practice cutting, specifically cutting a triangle.  We looked around the house for different shapes and I was very impressed with Kristen.  She brought me a book and said "This book is a square, but if you turn it this way it is a diamond and if you open it up it is a rectangle."  All on her own.  Maybe this is something a 5 year old should know, I'm not sure, but I was impressed that my five year old knew it!

After today I am very happy with the program we chose.  It is a bible based program designed for families with multiple children.  The curriculum we are using comes with preschool and kindergarten combined. Both Kristen and Lauren are learning about the same thing, but just at a different age level.  For instance, Lauren is learning her shapes, while Kristen is reviewing her shapes.  While one child works on an activity alone, you work with the other child and vice versa.  Both children are getting your attention when needed, but not sitting there getting bored while you work with the other one.  Although it says repeatedly not to add anything to the lesson...I have.  Not much, but just things I think my kids would enjoy (like the shape video, a specific craft or book from the library pertaining to the lesson of the day).  All in all I am very pleased with the program, how smoothly today went and what wonderful listeners my girls were.

Day #1 of homeschooling = SUCCESS!!!

Kristen working on her picture of her and daddy
 Lauren working on her picture of her and daddy
Evidence of a successful 1st day
No post is complete without a picture of this smiley face. He's not always smiling folks, I just only take pictures of him smiling.  In fact he has been pretty fussy lately.  Teething...maybe?
The girls playing on the front porch with sidewalk chalk, which by the way grates on my nerves just hearing the chalk rubbing the sidewalk.  Cringe!
Practicing drawing triangles.  Who knew you could incorporate triangles in so many parts of your day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Lauren!

From this...
To this...

I can't believe it has been 4 years since Lauren was born!  She is getting so big.  This past year was a big year for us as she has overcame a lot of obstacles.  In November of last year she FINALLY got her feeding tube taken out.  I never thought I would see the day.  Her speech has really gotten a lot better.  At three she was saying a few words and now she is talking in sentences.  Just don't ask her a question because the answer you will get is "I don't know." She has made a lot of progress with her volume control.  While her paralyzed vocal chord is over compensating, she is learning to project her voice, so hopefully no surgery for her in the future.  I thank God for all He has brought her through and all the miracles he has worked in her life. 

She is still a big chocolate lover and I think she would eat cereal for every meal.  She loves loves loves Dora, but is starting to really like Olivia the pig.  She loves her baby brother and absolutely adores her big sister. She is a big cuddle bug and loves to rough play with Daddy.  She loves going outside and really loves blowing bubbles (now that she can do it herself).  She loves shoes and puts them on first thing in the morning and changes them several times throughout the day.  It amazes me how much she has grown.

Happy Birthday Lauren Boo! 

   Her Wizard of Oz themed Party

 A Wizard of Oz Party is not complete without Dorothy and Toto