Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Last week I took Lauren to the doctor. She had caught the cold that Kristen had, but was also running a fever of 103, which Kristen never had. She had an ear infection in both ears plus the cold so they gave her amoxicillin and put her on 4.5ml twice a day for 10 days. She has been prescribed this before and we have had no problems with it. Yesterday when she woke up she was covered in hives. I immediately gave her some benadryl and kept thinking about foods that she could have eaten to cause this, but couldn't think of anything out of the ordinary. I called the doctors office and left a message for the nurse to call me. I called my mom and she mentioned the amoxicillin. I hadn't given her the morning dose yet, so I held off on that giving her that until I heard back from the doctors office. Even though her hives looked horrible, Lauren was still in a very good mood. Ate breakfast and played like she usually does, so I knew they weren't causing her any discomfort or breathing issues. She was scheduled to get her RSV shot yesterday, so I called and talked to the nurse that gives the shots. She said that it is not uncommon for anyone who has been prescribed amoxicillin or any other drug for that matter to out of the blue have an allergic reaction. You could show little signs of having a allergy to it the first few times you take it, but overlook it and then the more you are exposed to something you are allergic to the worse it gets. She said to not use the amoxicillin anymore and Lauren would not be able to get her shot because if she does have a reaction to the synagis shot they wouldn't know because she already has hives. I gave her benadryl throughout the day and most of the hives got better. Well, this morning when she woke up she is cover in little hives that look almost like chicken pox. I spoke to one nurse that said to make an appointment, which I did. Paul's cousins little boy currently has hives caused my amoxicillin (isn't that ironic) and she said that his got worse the second day. I called back to cancel my appointment and asked to talk to her synagis nurse. She said that this is common. The amoxicillin is not out of her system yet. They do tend to take on the resemblance of chicken pox, but they are not. It is a rash and it would take about a week to fully go away. While the drug is still in her system new rashes will pop up and to keep giving her the benadryl. Also, to make sure her other doctors know not to prescribe her any pinacillin drugs.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The New Year
I can't believe 2011 is already here! With the new year came sickness. Kristen had a cold with a pretty bad cough, and today Lauren is coming down with it. I have albuterol treatments on hand and I am not afraid to use them! I gave Kristen honey for her cough, as recommended by Paul H. and google then backed up by the doctor. It seemed to work just as good as cough syrup. I think this will be a cold that is a little worse for Lauren than she has had in the past and I might end up having to do some treatments. Even though 2011 started off a little rocky, we are very optimistic about this year being great. Lots of good things happened in 2010, and I am looking forward to an even better year in 2011. Here is a recap of all of the good 2010 brought.
-WE SPENT 2010 HOSPITAL FREE!! Well, kinda sorta. We did have to take Kristen to the ER, but no overnight stays.
-Kristen finally conquered potty training.
-Lauren started walking and conquered going up and down the stairs.
-Lauren has come so far with her eating. She eats better than Kristen and likes all varieties of food. She would eat all day if we would let her.
-Lauren was released from targeted management through early intervention and is now only getting speech therapy. She was released from both Educational therapy and Occupational therapy.
-We found out that Lauren's vocal chord is overcompensating and if it continues to do so she will not need to have surgery after all.
-Lauren started vocalizing more and is now saying close to 40 words. Her little word bank is just filling up.
-We got a good report on Lauren's eyes. She is showing no signs of nearsightedness or week eyes due to stage 2 ROP or the brain hemorrhages.
-Kristen turned 3 and had a little mermaid party with an AWESOME mermaid cake. She still talks about that cake. I am doing her cake this year and I know I will not top it, but I will try.
-Kristen turned 3 and became more and more independent and can do so many things on her own now like buckle herself in her own car seat. It amazes me how much they grow up in just a year.
-Kristen went to the dentist for the first time and did great.
-Kristen went fishing and skating for the first time and loved both. Now she wants to go hunting.
-Kristen got her first hair cut.
-Paul and I got to get away for a couple of days and go to a cabin in Shennendoah. It was much needed!
-We went to the NICU reunion and saw nurses and doctors that we got to know and love during our llloooonnnngggg NICU stay.
-We went on a day trip to the beach as a family and enjoyed it.
-We got to see my grandmother more.
-A whole new world opened up for Lauren since she no longer has to be quarantined.
-The Harris family purchased a new car. No more van.
We pray 2011 turns out to be a great year for all of our friends and family. Happy belated New Year!
Christmas Day
I know I am extremely late on my posting of Christmas Day. Let's I even remember it! Kristen and Lauren got to sleep in a little longer than years past, so they seemed to be in a better mood. They had a living room full of toys and once Kristen saw all of the toys she liked Santa more and more. Christmas day was very nice. We had breakfast with my mom, dad and sister at our house then later that evening we to my mom and dad's for Christmas dinner and to open up our presents with them. I hate how fast Christmas day goes by. It seems like in the blink of an eye it is gone. Here are some pictures.

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