Not a lot has happened since Lauren was released from the hospital. We have been preparing for Christmas and have had a lot of follow up appointments this month. She went and saw her developmental doctor. He was very pleased with her progress and said he hoped that she would be walking the next time he sees her. We don't go back until April. I thank God for all of the good reports we are getting. It is only because of Him! We also went to see her pulmonolgist and he was pleased with her progress. We don't have any follow up appointments with him. He is referring us to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor because he thinks Lauren either has scar tissue on her vocal cords or a paralyzed vocal cord, both due to being on the vent for so long. We go and see him next week. We had a follow up appointment with her GI doctor for her g-tube today and she did another culture just to make sure the infection is gone. It is still a little red. She should know something by the end of the week. The big news to report for Lauren is that she is now saying the Ahh sound, baba, dada, nana and mama! I was so happy to hear the mama one. She also has her two top teeth. They are slowing working their way in.
I am so excited about Christmas this year. Lauren will be home to share it with us and Kristen is at the fun age. She is excited about making cookies for Santa. When we went to go see him I thought she might not do very well. She understood who Santa was and what he does, but I thought she would only want to see him from a distance. The Santa we saw was very nice and actually talked to her. Last year the Santa sat there like a bump on a log. He asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She said toys. He asked her if she wanted a baby doll and she said yes. I had asked her the week before what she was going to tell Santa she wanted for Christmas and she said apples. I thought that was cute. I told her that Mommy can get her apples at the grocery store and Santa brings fun toys. She looked at me and her eyes got very big. For the past few days she has learned a new phrase. She keeps saying I really love you Mommy or I really love you sissy. She is such a sweet girl. Below are some new pictures. I tried to download a couple videos, but I must have did something wrong. I will try again some other time.
If I don't post before Christmas, we hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!

I put Lauren in Kristen's house we made her. Lauren was very happy...Kristen not so much.